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"Eddie, I'm not stupid! I know her favourite colour is red!" Richie said fiercely. Eddie held up his hands in defence.

"I'm not calling you stupid! I'm just saying, I thought it was blue!" Eddie shot back. Richie glared at him.

"And I'm just saying that you're wrong. Are you accusing me of not knowing my best friends favourite colour?" Richie said angrily. Stan cut in.

"Shut up, Richie! Just choose some flowers and get over yourself!" Stan's presence isn't loud, but his voice is demanding. Richie shuts up rapidly, but his mouth opens and closes.

"Y-You look l-like a fish." Bill snickers, and Eddie high fives him. Richie closes his mouth.

"Anyway, we need to pick flowers and go. The sunset won't wait forever." Eddie reminds the group of four.

"Okay. God, I'm nervous as fuck." Richie walks up to the cashier, who raises an eyebrow at his purchases. A large teddy bear, a bouquet of red roses and heart shaped chocolates. He also had a red jacket, which Bill had confirmed was something you would wear.

"Date tonight?" She asks, scanning the items.

"Um. It's a birthday, and I'm asking this girl out and she's really amazing and I get butterflies thinking about her and Bill says I've never liked a girl this much before but honestly I can't remember a time where I liked anyone but her-" Richie rambles quickly. Stan coughs.

"We'll find out." Stan says politely. Richie gives him a grateful smile.

"Have a nice night. Good luck!" She calls as they leave the store with their purchases.

"You're an idiot, Richie." Eddie says, a smirk on his face. Bill laughs.

"Shut up! Am not!" Richie glares at the small boy, who grins.

"M-Make sure n-not to squish the flowers." Bill reminds Richie as they hop onto their bikes.

"Fuck! Thanks Billy." Richie manages to hold the slowly dying roses in one hand, and hold the bike steady while he hops on with the other hand.

"Stan! Can you hold the roses? You're more careful than I am." Richie asks eventually. Stan rolls his eyes but takes the roses, carefully positioning them so they won't fall, and they take off.

The trip to the quarry is filled with swearing, mainly from Richie, and a bumpy path. When they finally arrive, the roses are looking pretty dodgy.

"Finally! Give me them, Stan!" Richie makes a grab for the roses, but Stan lifts them up, out of his reach.

"Not so fast. You'll destroy them. Wait till we're right in front of her." Stan decides. Richie pouts but nods. Even he knows that he'll probably crush them by accident. Beverly, Ben, Mike and (Y/n)'s voices can be heard through the trees. The four boys walk into the clearing, Stan and Bill hiding everything behind their backs.

"Hey guys! How fucking cool does this look?" (Y/n) grins and gestures towards the sunset, which is a blaze of red and orange and pinks.

"We're not doing it." Richie mutters.

"Yes we are." Stan looks at him.

"No we're not. She'd never like me. Abort the fucking mission." Richie decides.

"(Y/n)! Rich f-f-forgot to give y-you your pr-pres-present before!" Bill says loudly. Richie kicks his shin, and he almost falls down.

"Bill! Are you okay?" (Y/n) rushes forwards, but Bill stands up and regains his balance.

"Never b-been better." Eddie pushes Richie in front of Stan and Bill, and the two hold out their presents. (Y/n) blinks. Richie swallows.

"Um. Happy birthday?" Richie mutters again. The girl grins.

"Thanks, Rich! I was going to kick your ass if you didn't get me anything. Oh, there's a red jacket. Thanks!" She keeps a bright tone in her voice, but Richie can see through her like a plastic bag.

"Isn't red your favourite colour? We've got flowers as well, and here's your favourite chocolates." Richie says anxiously, holding out the treats. (Y/n) laughs.

"It's always been blue, Rich, but holy shit! Thank you so much! Who else payed? We all know you blow every cent on Street Fighter." She laughs again.

"Your favourite colour is blue? You told me it was red, you bastard! And no one, I payed for it all. I saved up." To anyone except the losers, it might have sounded like Richie was actually mad.

"Seriously? God, Rich! I could kiss you!" She beams as she smells the roses. Richie turns as red as the petals in her hands.

"Oh. Um. I didn't- I didn't mean to- um. Never mind." (Y/n) flushes as she catches Richie's gaze.

"I-um-yeah. This has been a nice chat but I actually have to, um, go." Richie spins around but Bill rotates him around again.

"Um. Thank you, again. It was really swe-sweet." (Y/n) takes a step back, and almost trips on Beverly.

"Oh, God. I can't handle this." Beverly groans loudly.

"Handle what?"

"These two people who have clearly been in love for some time and who can't find the fucking balls to do something about it."

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