L I E B E R H E R (pt 1)

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"(Y/n)! Truth or dare?" Jack asked with a cheeky grin.

"Dare!" I say confidently.

"You've chosen dare four times already! Surely there's a rule against that!" Jack whined. The rest of the group murmured in agreement.

"Yeah. Lets make it you can only choose the same one four times in a row." Wyatt suggested.

"Fine. Truth." I say reluctantly.

"Who do you like?" Jack grinned mischievously. I force my eyes not to look over at Jaeden.

"No one." I say, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!" Jack laughs.

"No, I actually don't like anyone. You're all ugly." I grin and duck when Finn and Jaeden simultaneously throw their socks at me.

"Hey! Sorry, okay?" I laugh. "Can you people see this? This is child abuse!" I look at the camera on Finn's phone, where he's live streaming.

"More like animal abuse." Wyatt snorts and throws his socks at me, too.

"Wyatt! I thought you had my back! Jack, please, no!" I shriek at Jack throws a shoe at me.

"You never answered the question!" He glares at me.

"I don't like anyone, okay?" I lie.

"Bullshit! Your eyebrows twitching." I silently curse my eyebrow.

"I like myself. Yep, I fantasise about myself all day long." I wink at the camera and duck when another shoe is thrown at me.

"Who threw that?" I laugh.

"Sophia!" The boys chant.

"Soph! I thought you had my back!" I pout.

"(Y/n), I do. But unfortunately, I don't have the backs of liars. Tell them who you like, or I will." She grins at me.

"What? No! Alright, fine. I have a crush on Ja-Jack!" I save myself at the last minute.

"Woah! Did not see that coming!" Finn looks amused.

"I'm shook." Wyatt looks at Jack.

"Seriously?" Jack's eyes are wide.

"No! She likes Jaeden for God's sa-" I slam a pillow into Sophia's face, stopping her from finishing her sentence.

"Yep, I have a crush on you Jackie." I wink at him.

"Oh shit! Jaeden, she likes you, my man. What do you have to say for yourself?" Wyatt swivels the camera to facing Jaeden, whose staring at me.

"I do not! Shut the fuck up Sophia! Wyatt, I can guarantee you'll burn in hell. I will end you!" I peg a shoe that was previously thrown at me at Wyatt.

"Ow! Come on, (Y/n), Sophia's already exposed your ass." Wyatt is laughing.

"I'm going to punch the lights out of you Wyatt, you little piece of fucking-"

"Language, my dear!" Jaeden dives at me and cover my mouth with his hand. I wriggle away from him.

"See, I would agree but I don't think that includes situations like these." I look at Jaeden briefly before throwing another shoe at Wyatt. Finn stars laughing, but he stops when a sock lands in his mouth.

"You're all little shits, and I can say with certainty you'll end up way down under in the underworld, and I'll be feasting like the queen I am above." I glare at them in turn then point at the tv.

"Whose up for a movie?" I say brightly. They all laugh.

"Yeah, way to change the subject." Finn snorts.

"I'm sorry Finnigan, did you say something?" I blink innocently.

"Not at all, m'lady." He winks and dives towards Frozen.

"We're watching Frozen and if anyone has something to say about it, I will slap you so hard you'll lose feeling in your face." Jack goes to object, but Finn karate chops him.

"Well, I'm glad we could all agree." Jaeden laughs when Finn scowls at him.

"(Y/n) and I have to have a little chat in another room. Finn, do you have any spare rooms?" Sophia asks. I swivel my head quickly to look at her.

"Yeah, upstairs and second door to the left is my room." He says. "ITS STARTING! WHOOOOOOO!" Finn cheers.

"Come on, darling (Y/n). If I don't make it out of there alive, she killed me." Sophia says before dragging me upstairs.

"Okay, what was up with that? It was the perfect opportunity to tell Jaeden you liked him!" Sophia looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Because! I panicked! You have to agree, I was put on the spot." I explain. Sophia scoffs.

"That's not an excuse! Just go, tell him. Or I will." Sophia glares at me.

"You already fucking have! Oh my sweet Jesus, I think I have to go now. This is too awkward. We were meant to share the couch in the sleeping arrangements! No way can I do that now." I sigh and yank open the door, and four boys tumble into the room.

"What the fuck?"

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