Chapter 4

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Taylor and I decided to go grocerie shopping to get all the stuff we would need,

"I'll go put Aliyaah in the car." Taylor said heading to the door, and as soon as they were out Kenny stopped me,

"I'm so happy for you two! oh and be careful remember what happened with Cesar at that same grocery store?"

"Thanks, and I know, I'll try to hurry up." I said bye to everyone else and headed towards the door, When I went outside I saw Taylor already getting in the car, he winked before getting in.

I walk over and get in,

"Let's try to hurry yeah? I don't want to see Cesar." I told Taylor.


The whole drive to the store, Taylor had his hand on my thigh, and I had my hand over his hand.

When we got to the store, Taylor got Aliyaah and put her baby carrier in a cart. We walked inside and got all the meats and stuff like that, we went to the candy section to get the s'mores ingredients.

"Babe how much chocolate do we get?" I asked,

"Take a lot, you know Cameron and Nash love smores." I nod and get the chocolate,

"I'll go get the Graham crackers." Taylor said going to the next aisle,

I look around the candy to see what else I should get,

"Well, well, well If it isn't Mackenzie Gonzales, looking cute today." I turn and see Cesar, he's literally 2 feet away from me,

"Would you quit bothering me!?" I said getting away from him,

"Not until I get what I want." He said grabbing me,

"Let Me go!" I said trying to get away,

"No, your not escaping from me today. If you scream, I swear I'll send My boys to kill your daughter."

I bite his hand and he let's go of me,

"You little shit!" I turned to run as fast as I could, I couldn't find Taylor anywhere! When I got to where the juice was I saw him,

"Taylor!!!" I said running towards him and Aliyaah,

"What??" he looked completely lost,

"Cesar.. He, He's here. He grabbed me, and.. he told me not to scream, if I would scream, he would kill Aliyaah." I said trying to catch My breath,

"Oh hell Nawww!" He said running to find him,

"Taylor NO! Please don't, Let's just go home."

"Babe, he keeps bothering you, I'm not gonna let him get away with it." I hug Taylor, usually this always works,

"Babe, I know you're mad, but pleeaaassse don't cause anything, He already has us threatened, think of Aliyaah." He looks down at me, and let's go of me. Oh no, I know he's mad.

He walks away, and I push the cart, I look down at Aliyaah who's asleep, I won't ever let anyone hurt her, I would straight up take a bullet for her.

We go to the cashier and pay for all our stuff, before we leave she speaks up,

"Hey! You're Taylor Caniff right?"

"Yeah." Taylor says not even looking up,

"And you're dating Madelyn? My besfriend, the one that works here" I feel my heart drop, Taylor looks over at me, I look down,

"No." He says taking the cart and Aliyaah with him.

"Yeah you are! you even got her pregnant! She's been having trouble with the baby."

"No one cares." I say and walk out following Taylor. The ride home was quiet. When we got to the house Taylor spoke up,

"Look, I'm sorry, I just get so mad because you don't let me do anything to protect you."

"Babe, Feeling you next to me, is a lot of protection for me, I feel so comftorable with you next to me, like If no one can or will ever hurt me." He smiles,


"Of course!" I said leaning over to kiss him.

"I love you Gonzales."

"I love you too Caniff." We got out and went inside the house, the crew was already there so I went over to greet them.

"Alright we got all the stuff, now let's go eat!" We all headed outside and the boys lit up the grill, we made hamburgers, and hotdogs.

I could tell everyone was really having fun! I went over to Leah who was with Kenny,

"Hey Leah! How's it going?" I say sitting next to her,

"I'm not really feeling so good" She says

"Why? What's wrong?"

"My stomach, really, really hurts."

"What If it's just pre labor pains?"

"Well I hope so, because this morning when I was In the restroom, I noticed blood, did that happen to you?"

"No? Why didn't you say earlier? Let's go get you checked, Taylor can stay here with the crew."

"No, don't, Its okay, I'll call a cab."

"Leah! You're my sister in law! I'm not letting you go alone, now come on let's go!" We went to say bye to everyone and explained where we were going.

I started getting a really bad feeling about all of this, from what I know of, Its not normal to bleed when you're pregnant.

"Are you feeling nervous?" I asked Leah,

"A little bit, but maybe its just some pre labor stuff?"

"Let's just get you checked." We got to the hospital, I hate the hospital at night, you see all kinds of people come in because of emergencies.

"Hi what can I help you two ladies with?" The receptionist says,

"Uhm can I see Dr.Kitz I started bleeding today and I'm pregnant." Leah says,

"Oh okay, room 101 B. Just tell him what your here for."

author's Note,

Dun dun dunnnnnn What a great way to end a chapter. What do you think is gonna happen next? :O

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