Chapter 14

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*Later that day*

The beach today was super fun! Austin is such a cool person, he's not a stuck up celebrity, he's just a normal kid. We all went back to the house and showered, obviously Austin and the guys went to their house.

I'm in my room right now, changing to go to Disney Land, just to walk around. We all agreed on it, Austin had the idea, he wanted to rent it, but I mean why ruin everyone else's fun?

I put on some shorts, and a crop top with Sperry's. For my hair, I blow dryed it, and straightened it. I really miss My baby Aliyaah. It really sucks that Taylor is mad.

I decided to call him, I grab my phone and dial his number, after a few rings a girl voice picks up,


"Uhm is this Taylor's phone?"

"Yeah? Why? Who is this?"

"Kenzie. Who am I talking to?"

"Oh Taylor doesn't want to talk to you, and you're talking to.. mm maybe i shouldnt tell you."

"Who are you?!?!" I heard the girl hang up. Seriously? I am NOT going to Disney land until I find out what's happening. I quickly dial Kenny's number,

"Hey Kenzie!"

"Where's Taylor?!"

"Well then, don't say hi."

"Kenny! I'm not gonna play your games, where is Taylor?! and Aliyaah?!"

"Uhm I don't know? He left like after your phone call, and he took Aliyaah?"

"I called him and he's with a girl! she answered! She wouldn't tell me who she is, please Kenny, find Aliyaah, and take her to the house, pleeaase, I don't care about Taylor. Just please, please, get Aliyaah."

"Okay, call you back when I know something." I hung up and went downstairs.

On My down I run into Leah, I quickly pull her into my room,

"Leah!" I begin crying,

"What's wrong? She said trying to comfort me.

"Taylor... He's... He's with a girl.. and.. He.. took Aliyaah with him." I said trying to calm down.

"Is it because he's mad and he's trying to get back at you?"

"Yess.. No one knows this, Taylor he's bipolar."

"Really? Oh my gosh Kenzie, I'm so sorry." She said hugging me.

"Don't be, I shouldn't have been hanging out with Austin in the first place."

"No, he's a friend? What you can't have guy friends? Then what about the crew?"

"Taylor gets really jealous though. And he always wants revenge. I didn't recognize the girl's voice. All I really want right now is to be with Aliyaah, or for Kenny to just get her back."

"Well, what do you want to do? Do you wanna go back to San Diego?"

"Yeah, I do, but I don't want to ruin the rest of the Vacation for you and Jackie. I'm gonna go back alone."

"No, let's talk to Austin? So he can drive you back? I'll stay here with Jackie and the guys. You go and fix your problems, start packing and I'll go talk too Austin." We both got up and hugged,

"Thank you so much Leah, love you."

"Love you too Kenzie." She left, and I began packing all My stuff.

Leah's POV

I honestly feel so bad for Kenzie. She hasn't done anything bad, she's the sweetest girl ever!

When she told me she wanted to go back, I knew she would be alone, if it were my choice, I would go too, but I don't wanna ruin Jackie's vacation.

I offered her my help By asking Austin to take her. That's the least I can do right?

I was walking to Austin's house and I saw Robert and Zach outside,

"Sup Leah." Zach said,

"Hey." Robert said after Zach

"Hey guys, is Austin inside?"

"Yeah, go on in."  I went inside and saw Austin and Alex on the couch watching t.v, I accidently bumped into the table, and Austin quickly turned around,

"Hey Leah." He said

"Hi Austin, Hi Alex." I said

"Hey." Alex said, I swear, hes so quiet.

"Austin can I ask you to do a huge favor for me?" I asked,

"Yeah sure, anything."

"So, Kenzie's boyfriend, Taylor, He got kind of jealous that Kenzie has been hanging out with you. And of course the fans took pics of you two hugging on the beach, so Taylor took their daughter, and is with another girl right now, Kenzie called Taylor and a girl answered. Kenzie says she doesn't care about Taylor, all she wants is to be with Aliyaah, and she wants to go back home. I wanted to know, if you can please, please, please, drive her back to San Diego. I don't want her to go alone."

"Oh of course! I'll drive her, does she want to go today? but for sure I'll drive her down there." He said, I felt so relieved.

"I'll go with you?" Alex offered

"Yeah she wants to go today, she's already packing. And aww Alex, you're so nice" I said

"Alright, then me and Alex will get packed and go over as soon as we're ready."

"Okay thank you guys so much!" I headed out the door and back to the house. I'm so glad he's driving her.


Hey guys! 7 reads away from the first book to be 1k!! Thank you all so much! Like so so so so much♥♥♥ I enjoy writing this book, but there are those days where I have no clue what to write. But I always try my very best. Thank you all again for reading

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