Chapter 6

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*2 Hours Later*

We were All still in the room, Leah hasn't woken up,

"Michael should be here any minute." I say getting up, Taylor and I decided to walk around the hospital for a while, I love My nephew and Leah but I just don't like being in there, its too sad.

We were walking towards the waiting room when we saw Michael, I ran towards him,

"Michael!!!!!!!" I say hugging him, He doesn't say a word,

"Let's go to the room." I say grabbing him, Taylor gets his luggage. When we get to the room, Michael doesn't even look at everyone else, he goes directly to the baby,

Taylor, Matt, Kenny, and Mahogany leave. I didn't know if I should go too, but I just stayed, I see Michael pick up the baby.

"Why???...." He says beginning to cry, I've never seen Michael cry, I always look up to him, he's so strong.

"The umbilical cord ripped." I say, I go over and hug him, He begans crying even harder. I tried so hard not to cry, but I eventually started crying too.

Michael still had the baby in his arms, I could feel him, he's so cold.

When Michael calmed down, I told him about Leah,

"I can't imagine how she must feel." He says,

"I know, I felt so bad for her. She took it really hard" We look over at Leah who is awake, she looks much more calm than last time she woke up.

Michael walks over to her with the baby. I decide to leave and look for everyone else.

I go to the waiting room and see them,

"Leah's awake." I say sitting next to Taylor,

"Babe, I'm so proud of you for being strong." Taylor whispers to me, I smile,

"thanks babe, I'm so tired though."

"We should go now, its 2 in the morning." Mahogany says, we all agree,

"Let's go say bye to them though." Matt says, we all walk over to the room, when we enter, Leah is holding the baby,

"Uhm, we're gonna go now." I say

"Wait, Kenzie come over here." Leah says, I walk over to her,

"Thank you so much for being here. Michael told me what I Did, Im so sorry, I don't even remember doing it though, but I'm sorry."

"No problem, and hey don't worry." I give her a hug and kiss the baby's cheek, I walk over to Michael and hug him,

"You're okay." I say to him,

"Thank you for being here." I smile, everyone else hugs them and says goodbye.

We drive to the house and everyone goes to their room,

"Are we gonna get Aliyaah?" I ask Taylor,

"Do you want to?"


"Alright let's go." We head towards Nash's house, We text them that we are here and they open the door,

"Hey guys!" Nash says,

"Hey." Taylor and I say walking in, I see Cameron and Aliyaah asleep on the couch,

"Aww they're such babies." I say

"Haha yeah." Nash says, I walk over and grab Aliyaah, She starts crying,

"Shh Shh Shh." I say trying to get her to get quiet.

"She's mad cause you're taking her away from her favorite uncle." Cameron says getting up,

"Well her favorite uncle can take care of her more often is shes that quiet when she's with him." I say laughing.

After talking with the boys for about half an hour we finally go home,

"I'm so tired." I say to Taylor,

"So am I." He says getting Aliyaah out of the car. We enter the house and go into Aliyaah's room, we put her to sleep and go to our room.

We get under the covers and fall asleep.

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