Chapter 37

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Jaehyun’s POV

“You’re so lucky! You get to marry a member of EXO” My make-up artist was busy talking and spazzing.

I smiled.

“Thank you” I said.

He was a ‘he’. Get it?

“Ugh! I would like to marry Kai! He’s so hot” My gay make-up artist said and so I giggled.

Jaemin is dating Kai. That’s a fact.

“How’s my girlfriend doing?” I heard a guy’s voice outside the room.

“I’m fine, excited for today?” I heard Jaemin’s voice too.

“Of course, too bad I’m not your partner” A conversation was being done outside.

“Ha ha ha. Luhan Oppa is my partner!” Jaemin was talking and laughing outside.

“Yah! Don’t flirt with him” A guy’s voice was outside.

I heard Jaemin chuckled.

Our door opened, it was Kai and Min standing there holding each other’s hand.

“Woah” My make-up artist was shocked.

“Who is she?” He, the gay asked me in a whisper.

“That’s my sister” I told him and smiled.

“Why is there arms linked?” He asked me whispering.

“Their dating” I whispered too.

“Aww Hu hu hu Why?” He asked me.

I laughed.

Please play “Don’t Go” by EXO

I walked down the aisle.

I was walking slowly.

I was walking with a smile.

I was looking at them one by one.          

My mother was at my left side.

My father was at my right side.

And at the end of the aisle….

I saw him…

The guy I would marry.


Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of this witnesses to join Zhang Yi Xing and Cho Jae Hyun in matrimony which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be enter into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discretely, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate this two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

No one dared to speak.

Everyone wanted to give us peace.

I now pronounce you married.

“Kiss!”                   “Kiss”

“Go YiXing!”

He leaned in…

And so do I…

Closing my eyes, he kissed me passionately.

That was one of the best kisses I had from him.

I opened my eyes to see everyone cheering us on.

Yixing held the both of my hands.

We walked down the aisle to see everyone clapping and whistling for us.

“Yixing-ah, thank you for marrying me” I smiled at him and hugged him.

But it was so sudden that he carried me in a bridal style.

The cheers went crazier and hyper.

“Thank you for marrying me too, I promise, I’ll take care of you” He said as he flashed me a smile with his dimples.

The door opened and I saw there were a hundred of fans waiting for us. Some were using banners. There were banners with our picture on it. There were messages of good thoughts and good kind.

I was so touched that I can barely move. I wasn’t aware but a tear escaped in my eye. I hid my face on Yixing’s chest.

He hugged me telling me that it’s fine.

Oh, all the feels.

Wedding is surely another life changing moment.


The last chapter is near guys. Hang On!

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