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Chapter 8

What the fuck did I do? Shit, shit, shit. This is messed up, I am not gay, but I can't deny my obvious feelings towards Lucifer.

Dan's thoughts attacked him as soon as he was conscience. His state of sleep had been blissful, no worries and the dream of him and Lucifer being on a date didn't bother him, not until he was awake and he was in control of his thoughts- well most of them.

When he opened his eyes in a sleepy haze, the first thing to catch his attention was his TV that was on but muted. That confused him, he always turned off the TV before going to bed. 

The second thing to catch his attention was how constricted he felt, he looked down at himself and his suspicions were confirmed when he saw that he slept in the clothes he wore the day before... Yesterday?... Yest- fuck my life! That was when all of yesterday's event came back to him.

He shot up from where he was laying with a shout, "Fuck!", at that moment, he noticed the sound that came from behind him, it was a groan. He turned, with a whiplash deserving speed, to look behind and saw Lucifer snuggling one of his pillows. He looked around his apartment, searching for an escape, then he realized that he can't escape his own home so he did the next best thing.

He grabbed Lucifer's arm and started shaking him, "Lucifer! Wake up!", the man just groaned, turned his body the other way and continued sleeping. Dan let out a sigh of frustration, he sat for a while looking at the man lying before him- an idea came to his mind.

He got up from the bed and winced at the cold tile under his feet before walking towards his kitchen, he opened the fridge and  grabbed a jar of ice cold water. He smiled as he tilted the jar over so the contents spilled all over Lucifer's face. The once sleeping devil was now wide awake and annoyed, he looked up at Dan and saw the man pointing at the door with a stern expression.

"Get out.", his voice was calm, too calm. Lucifer opened his mouth to ask what the problem was , but he was interrupted by Dan's booming voice, "Get! Out!", this time Lucifer listened and got off the bed before taking his shoes and exiting the apartment.

Dan let out a sigh when the door closed behind Lucifer, he slid down to the floor and pulled his knees to his chest before placing his head between them. Hot fat tears started trailing down his face and his body vibrated as he sobbed quietly. Crying seemed like the most fitting thing to do at that moment. He was confused by his feelings- he knew the feelings he had for Lucifer were strong, because it was the first time he was feeling something like that, not even with Chloe.

He had loved Chloe but what he was feeling towards Lucifer was stronger. The realization of his feelings was too fast and overwhelming, it gave him emotional whiplash and it hurt like a bitch. He didn't want to feel like that, but he knew that they were there to stay, he cried because he could do nothing to stop the rapidly growing feelings.

After a few minutes of crying and sniffling, he got up from his position on the floor and started cleaning the apartment to keep his mind busy. He then took a scalding shower and left the building to go to the grocery store, he got what he needed and drove back home. After packing away all the food he bought he sat on the couch and turned on the TV to watch reruns on Rizzoli & Isles.

After a few episodes he looked up at the clock above his door and saw that it was only 1 pm, time was moving slow. He would've gone to see Trixie but the little monkey was gone to another state with her grandmother, they went to see her great grandfather. Dan missed Trixie.


The next day was Monday and Dan was back at work, he had a case to deal with. Now that he knew Lucifer wasn't the killer, he needed to find out who and it irked him that he needed Lucifer's help. As much as he knew that his detective skills were mad ass, he knew that with the issue at hand, the devil was needed.

He dropped into his office chair with a cup on coffee in hand and a large muffin in the other. After eating he got to work and asked the reception lady to call in Mr. Morningstar, he was the department's consultant. He got back to linking up the crime scenes as he waited for the man to arrive with his knowledge.

"Detective, you called?", he rolled his eyes at Lucifer's voice behind him. He pinned up the last picture in his hand before turning around to look at the man behind him. He sat back at his desk and gestured, to the other chair opposite him, with his hand while pulling out papers from out a drawer under his desk.

"Take a seat, Mr.Morningstar.", he said when Lucifer didn't head to his gesture. Lucifer scoffed but sat down anyway.

"Formal now? Okay, Detective Douche, how can I be of service?", he asked while pulling on the collars of his dark green suit.

"I need you to assist me with this case.", he said and pushed the bulk of papers towards Lucifer. The devil picked them up and looked through the first few before putting them back on the desk. He looked up at Dan and raised his head in question. "I know you know a lot more about the suspects than I do, so I need you to help me find them and stop them." Dan answered the obvious question.

"So... you want me to help you catch demons?", he said in an amused tone, "what will you then do with them? Put them in jail?", he then burst with laughter, leaning over the desk and pounded his hand on it as he cackled.

"Do you also think I want you to catch them using cotton candy?", Dan Said with an irritated look on his face. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair to wait out Lucifer's funny moment.

After a while, Lucifer calmed down and looked at Dan's face with a grin that immediately fell off at the sight of Dan's face. He cleared his throat and fixed his suit.

"Okay, all jokes aside, what do you plan to do when I find them for you?"

"I want you to destroy them or at least send them back to hell", Dan said, unsure if what he was asking for could be done. Lucifer's face was stoic for a moment, he was thinking.

"Okay, I can afford to kill them."

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