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Chapter 9

Days passed while Dan and Lucifer investigated the case, they were spending time together everyday. Yet, neither of them brought up the incident that happened between them a week ago. Dan was just too embarrassed to talk about the topic and Lucifer took notice of Dan's uncomfortability so he decided not to poke around the topic. They both so badly wanted to talk about it, they wanted to hit the repeat button.

Dan came from the kitchen with a jar of OJ and two glasses, Lucifer was seated on the couch while holding a sharpie, marking off names from the list of people they know are not demons. Dan placed the OJ on the coffee table and sat next to Lucifer on the couch, they drank juice for a while before Lucifer couldn't handle Dan's proximity to him.

He put down the glass and closed the file Dan was looking through and turned his body so he was facing Dan completely. "Dan.", Dan froze, he had a feeling as to what Lucifer wanted to talk about, he called him by his name. "Daniel, look at me.", this time Lucifer placed his hand under Dan's chin, pulling him so they were looking at beach other.

"Can you not?", Dan said as he pulled his face away from the man's grip. Lucifer pulled Dan's face into his hand again, this time using both hands to hold Dan's face between them.

"Why are you suddenly so shy?", Dan blushed at Lucifer's smirk. He was always shy, he didn't even know how he was able to molest Lucifer the other day.

"I am not shy, I just wish you would let me continue with my work.", he said and pulled his face away from the man's hands and got up from the couch and paced around.

"You know, as the devil. I am able to read people's darkest desires, like right now," he got up and walked towards Dan slowly, "I can see your darkest desire. I can see what you want to do to me.", he said as he pushed Dan against the wall, "how are you even allowed to be a police officer? The images of me inside your mind are very unholy, detective."

Dan gasped when Lucifer started trailing soft kisses down his neck, his hands were running down Dan's sides before slipping them into Dan's back pocket. He squeezed at the Hispanic man's fat behind.

Dan finally gathered the courage and pushed Lucifer away. He let out a deep breath and took an equal one in, "Look Lucifer, I'm not gay.", he finally said.

"I never said you were. What I did say was that, you desire me- deeply." Lucifer replied and made a move towards Dan, but Dan pushed him back again, "just as I desire you" Lucifer finished.

"Can we sit back down?", Dan saw no use in running away from his feelings. They moved back to sit on the couch, little space separating them. "Look, I do like you, I won't deny that. It's just that you come off very strong, tone it down.", he said after taking a deep breath.

Lucifer nodded, "I won't touch you... ", Dan sighed in relief, "I'll wait for you to touch me, with the way your mind is looking, you won't last long", he said in a matter of fact tone. Dan rolled his eyes at the fact that he thought Lucifer would be serious about something.

"Lucifer, I'm serious. Just give me some time to get my head around this", he finally said in a low voice. He looked up at Lucifer, who was nodding his head, this time there was no smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll respect your wish.", he said in a low but genuine voice. He looked Dan in the eyes and smiled a real cute smile that Dan had never seen on him before. Dan smiled back before looking towards the table.

"Now... Let's get back to business. We need to find these demons, they're killing innocent people." Dan said and handed off the files to Lucifer. "Do you have any contacts that can make finding these demons easier?", Dan asked after a while of scanning the file with no success.

"Maze would be of help, that is if I am able to locate her.", Lucifer answered, looked thoughtful.

"Maze would help? How?", Dan was confused.

"Oh, yes. She used to be my head of guards down in Hell."

"So... Maze is also from Hell, what is she?"

"Oh, She is also a demon"

Dan was surprised but the news he was hearing was not unbelievable, Maze was different- she made it obvious that she wasn't of earth. "You're her Master, aren't you? I'm sure you can make her come to you if you really wanted"

"Yes, I could. Right now she needs her space, after losing Chloe, it affected her as much as it affected me and you.", he replied. Dan could see that Lucifer really did care about Maze, that is the reason he hadn't contacted her- he knew she needed space to grief.

"Please, we need her to help with this. Just call her up, she might actually need this." Dan knew that cooping yourself up in grief was never the best way to heal, he had tried it after losing Chloe and it didn't work. Going after Lucifer helped him to focus on other things, other people that are alive. Maze needed to see that there are other living people that need her, Dan explained all that to Lucifer and finally convinced him to call.

She didn't answer any of the calls, they even used Dan's phone but she still didn't answer. After a few minutes of brainstorming, Lucifer perked up with realization.

"I know where she might be!", he shouted making Dan cringe from the noise. They got up and drove to the place Lucifer was hoping to find Maze.

"Why didn't you just use your power over her to make her come? You did say you can.", Dan asked with curiosity, Lucifer frowned and let out a sigh.

"I can but I don't want to, Maze is my friend. If I use my power over her to control her, she would see it as me calling her my slave." he explained.

"Oh... Okay."

They kept quiet for the rest of the drive. Dan looked at the building weird as Lucifer pulled over.

"Where are we?"

Lucifer didn't answer him, instead he got out of the car and waited for Dan to come out before they headed inside the building. They went to the fourth floor and Lucifer knocked on a white door, a short lady in her forties opened the door, her eyes widened at the sight of Lucifer.

"Hello, Linda.", Dan didn't know the lady, but from the sign on the door- he knew she was a therapist. His eyes moved between the two in question.

Lucifer gestured to Dan with his hand and said, " Linda, this is detective Dan." then he gestured to the doctor, " Detective, this is my therapist, Doctor Linda Martin." he introduced. Dan and Linda shook hands and exchanged a 'nice to meet you'. "Now... Linda, will you tell Mazikeen to come see me tomorrow?", Linda nodded.

"Lucifer, when will we have our next session? I know you probably need it." she said after a few moments of silence.

"Well, I really don't need the sessions. I have been doing better." Dan saw that Lucifer looked at him when he said that, and so did Linda- she didn't miss the small hint of a smile on his face either.

"Oh I see, well that great for you. I'll pass your message." she said before getting back into her office, she evidently had a client inside. Dan and Lucifer left the building and Lucifer drove Dan to his apartment before going home. It was getting late and he knew that Maze would visit him during the night. He got inside his penthouse and immediately took a cool shower before laying on his bed, he fell asleep with a smile on his face. He was thinking about the fact that Dan was willing to try and have something with him.

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