Chapter 8

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*Juliet's P.O.V.*

Running down the stairs, I threw on a jacket before quickly fixing, Andy had called me earlier saying that he'd received a phone call last night from a friend of his, who had moved back to Ohio after a long trip to Canada. Needless to say, Andy was beside himself with excitement, and had insisted that I come to meet his friend.

Eventually I'd agreed, and spent the past 20 minutes trying to make myself look presentable. He hadn't mentioned anything about yesterday's events, so I'd figured that the kiss on the forehead hadn't really meant anything, and that he didn't mean anything romantic by it.

Sighing, I finally left the house and headed over to Andy's. As I approached I saw him lock his front door before

turning and smiling when he noticed me.

"Come on," he encouraged me, "let's go." Running over, he grabbed my hand, linking his fingers with mine before pulling me away from his house and down the street. I felt myself blush. Andy was holding my hand. Even though I knew it was to make sure we got there quickly, I still couldn't help feeling all gushy as butterflies erupted in my stomach. Gosh, control yourself, Juliet.

"What's with the holding hands thing?" I asked quietly, trying to keep up with his long legs.

"Oh, sorry," he murmured, looking down at our hands and then loosening his grip. He clearly hadn't even realized he'd done it.

"Don't apologize, it doesn't bother me," I replied, squeezing his hand briefly. I silently hoped he wouldn't let go. He turned his head to briefly shoot me a smile, before tightening his grip again and setting his sights back on course.

"So, who is this friend of yours?" I asked, suddenly realizing that I knew nothing about the person I was going to meet.

"Only my best friend in the whole world," he grinned, his eyes lighting up.

"I thought I was your best friend?" I pouted sarcastically. He smirked at me.

"You are my best friend," he told me. I raised an eyebrow at him, causing him to laugh. "From Dayton, Ohio," he clarified.

"How many best friends do you have then?" I joked.

"Just two, and I'm grateful for both of you," he smiled, gently squeezing my hand. "Ah, here we are," he told me, excitement rising in his voice as he lead me up the driveway. I felt nerves fill my gut. What if they hated me? Andy must have somehow sensed my fear, as he rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"It'll be fine," he reassured me, pressing the doorbell. "He'll love you." I picked up on the mention of 'he'll'. So it was a guy then. I felt most of the nerves flush out of my system. Thank God! I'd dreaded it being a girl. I knew that if it'd been a girl, that all my hopes of ever meaning anything to Andy would be gone and diminished in a second.

Suddenly the door flung oen and a skinny boy with short blonde hair and green eyes appeared in the doorway. He grinned before practically jumping on Andy.

"ANDDYYY!" he cried, engulfing him in a bear hug, causing Andy to let go of my hand and stumble backwards a few steps, his dark hair covering his face.

"HEY! I missed you too buddy," he laughed, hugging his friend and patting him on the back. Finally, the guy, who I hadn't yet been introduced to, released Andy and turned to face me.

"Ah, you must be Juliet," he grinned, sending a wink Andy's way. What was that for?

"Yeah, that's me," I replied shyly, a small smile on my face as I scuffed the toe of my boot against the stone driveway.

"I'm Chance," he introduced himself. I simply smiled up at him, too shy to say another word. "Gosh, you're so shy. That's strange, especially considering the type of person Andy's last girlfr-" he was cut off by a quick slap across the shoulder from Andy.

"What?" Chance remarked, turning to look at Andy who was giving him a death glare. "Fine!" he laughed, "I wont say a word," throwing his arms up in the air. I looked between the pair of them, what the fuck was going on? I shrugged, I guess it didn't matter anyway. Chance quickly ushered us into the house and we took off our boots and jackets, which he chivalrously took from me and placed in  a closet. He then led us to the front room, gesturing to a sofa and arm chair surrounding a small coffee table which was laden with sweets and popcorn.

"I prepared for once, be proud of me," Chance laughed, causing Andy to chuckle at his best friend. He then took a seat in the arm chair, forcing me and Andy to sit next to each other on the sofa. Not that I minded of course.

The next hour consisted of much talking between the two boys and the occasional comment from me as I grew more confident around Chance, who actually turned out to be one of the funniest people I'd ever met. We even exchanged phone numbers. He was a pretty cool guy, and it would be nice to become better friends with him.

"So, what do you think of the new Spiderman film?" Chance questioned me.

"I love it!" I replied a little too enthusiastically, causing both boys to laugh.

"Oh God, we've got a fangirl in the house!" screeched Chance, flailing his arms dramatically.

"Oh shut up," I smirked, throwing a cushion at him, which he managed to successfully dodge.

"Careful fangirl," Andy chirped up, playfully poking my arm.

"I am not a fangirl," I pouted at him, poking him back. He chuckled, looking down at me with his big blue eyes. I stared up at his pale face and messy black hair. The kind of cute messy that makes guys look incredibly attractive.

"Ahem," Chance coughed, breaking our eye contact. I blushed from how I'd been caught staring. He laughed at us, shaking his head, before pushing a DVD into the DVD player and pressing play. As the movie started up, I felt Andy's arm creep around my shoulders, softly pulling me closer towards him so that our legs were now touching. I smiled at the contact; it just felt right, not awkward at all like I thought it might be. The movie flew by pretty quickly. Eventually we reached a scary scene that made me jump out of my skin. 

"Woah, are you ok there?" Andy laughed, rubbing my shoulder. I lowered my head in embarrassment, resorting to fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt.

"Did she just jump?" Chance teased, earning a nod from Andy. Chuckling, he grabbed a handful of chips from the bowl on the table and ate them one by one.

"You're safe here with me," Andy told me, kissing the top of my head. I felt a smile spread across my features, he was so sweet. Glancing over at Chance, I saw him make a heart with his hands at Andy and I, before winking at me. I frowned at him and he held up his hands in surrender before turning back to the movie with a grin on his face. I'm guessing he figured I liked Andy then, what else could that have meant? It was probably quite easy to see that I liked him, but I just wished that Andy himself would realize.

And that's when she walked in...

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