Chapter 7

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*Juliet’s P.O.V.*

Awakening from my blissful sleep, I found myself in Andy’s strong arms. This was perfect.

I mumbled, bringing my hands up to rub my eyes. I noticed how Andy hadn't said a word since I’d woken up. That was odd.

“You ok?” I asked him casually. He didn't reply, causing me to panic slightly. I turned to face him, concern plastered across my face. His face looked ashen and his eyes held a deep sense of sadness and disbelief. My stomach twisted. I’d never seen him like this before, what was wrong?

“What is it?” I asked, waking up more and more by the second. He swallowed before replying to my anxious question.

“Why?” he simply said in a choked voice.

“Why what?” I replied, confused. What was he talking about?

“Why did you do this?” he asked gently taking my left wrist and pulling back the fabric of my shirt sleeve.

I froze. He’d seen my scars.  Taking in a long shaky breath, I tried to calm myself. No one had ever seen my scars before. This was a complete first for me and it was freaking me out already. I never thought anyone would find out, it had been my life secret for all this time, but I guess every action has it’s consequences in the long run.

“I-I… I have t-to go,” I quickly stuttered, pulling myself up to my feet and picking up my bag, before walking towards the parks exit.

“No, wait,” I heard Andy call out, his soft footsteps sounding on the grass behind me. “I want to understand,” he said concerned.

Stopping in my tracks I sniffed, trying desperately to prevent the tears from starting to flow, but it was futile.

Turning around to face him, I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes, tears starting to fall down my face.

“Why?” I cried. “No one else cares. No one else notices. Why do you want to understand so badly?”

He looked shocked for a second. “Because I care about you, Juliet. I want to try and help you. You’re my friend after all.”

I stood there for a second unsure of what to do. Sighing, I ran my hand through my long hair. I’d never told anyone about my secrets before, but I trusted Andy, and I really didn't think I could lie to him. So I told him, I told him everything.

I told him about how I’d constantly get beaten up and picked on at school. How I had absolutely no friends other than him at school, and felt completely isolated from everyone else. I told him how music was literally the only thing keeping me alive. I told him about the hate mail and the death threats. I told him about my weakest moments, the moments I’d taken a blade to my own skin. The whole while I told him this he hugged me against his warm body, rubbing my back to give me reassurance and comfort.

Once I’d explained everything, he held me at arm’s length and told me how proud he was of me to still be here today, and how he was glad to have met me. He made me feel a little proud of myself, which is something I didn’t think I’d ever felt in my entire life. I shot him a grateful smile, which he returned.

Grabbing his bag and wrapping his around my shoulders, he proceeded to walk me home, to make sure I got home safely considering it was starting to get dark now and we lived really close to each other anyway. As we got to my door, he gave me another hug.

“Please don’t hurt yourself anymore,” he whispered.

“I won’t,” I promised him. “I haven’t done anything for almost a month now.”

“I’m glad,” he replied, before withdrawing from the hug and planting a quick kiss on my forehead and then he turned and left for his house.

I stood on the driveway watching as his dark silhouette disappeared into the night, my hand on my forehead. I felt a smile form on my face. That had been unexpected.

*Andy’s P.O.V.*

Sauntering down the road towards my house, I kicked at a small stone. Why did I do that? Well, I knew why. I now knew I liked Juliet, there were no two ways about it. But I knew that showing any sort of affection towards her would make me want her even more, or just simply push her further away from me. Sighing, I pulled my keys out of my pocket, ready to unlock the front door, but I was stopped by the sound of my phone ringing.

Pulling it out of my pocket, I hit the answer button.

“Hello?” I sighed.

“ANDY!!!” came the sound of a cheery male voice.

“Chance?!” I replied shocked, a grin forming on my face.

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