Chapter 1 ~ A Small, Slow, Start

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     When you think of Albert Einstein you think of the word "genius", right? But did you know that he was treated just the opposite for most of his early life? It's true! 

     Today is Friday, March 14 back in the year of 1879. Albert is born in a country called Germany. Hooray! One of the world's greatest thinkers-to-be has arrived! I wonder what kind of greeting he'll get? Oh, wait! We know. He's being told by his family that he's "too fat" and that his head is "too large" and "too pointy". 

     That's not a nice way for a family to greet their new baby, is it? Maybe it will get better. 

     Oh, no! It's a  year later and his father is being called a "failure" and his family is poor. Why? His dad's business ends in failure. Now they have to leave town. Albert is left at home with his mother, who is getting worried about her son because he "can't talk, can't read, and can't even tie his shoes". People are starting to call Albert, der Depperte (dahr DAY-pah-ter), "the dopey one."

     How do you think this made him feel? Would you feel good about yourself if everyone around you is calling you "slow" and "dumb"? Of course not. Neither would I. 

     Now his mom is beginning to have serious doubts about her son's intelligence. It's taking him longer to do things that "normal" children have done by his age, like walk, talk, and tie his shoes. Thoughts are beginning to form in her mind that something is really wrong with her son. And she passes those thoughts on to him.

     This is not a good start to young Albert's life.

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