3.- Videogames

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Chapter 3: Videogames

I woke up with a small pain running down my lower back. I hauled myself into a sitting position, grunting as I stretched slightly. It had been an interesting night, I felt somewhat better than other days. And when I was in the bathroom, I realized that I had put on weight.

I know for some people that was bad news, especially when you were suffering from anorexia, but for me, that made my day. Imagine you looked so bad and skinny, that you looked like a starving dog.

I pulled my hair up and changed into some clean sweatpants and a loose Iron maiden shirt. Again, I felt healthier, but not exactly happy. At least I wasn't feeling empty, stuck in the same routine and cycle.

Justin ran through my mind for a second, our conversation about Stranger Things replayed in my mind. Something inside me made me 'excited', so I opened my netflix app on TV. As expected, Netflix was proudly showing off the second season of their best show.

I watched episode 1. So many things were happening at once, it was as if I went back in time to a moment where I wasn't so skinny and sad, where 17 year old me was watching sitting down with a bowl of mint icecream.

For a moment, I wished so badly to go back in time. But it was pointless to wish, miracles would never happen to me. If it did, Ethan would be sitting down next to me, holding me while we watched Stranger Things together.

Half way through the first episode, I heard the doorbell ring. My first thought was that it was probably some religious folk, or some kid trying to sell candy. So, I ignored it. But the second time made me get up from my comfortable position.

I looked through the peephole, and saw a girl with black hair pulled up. Her arms full of tattoos, looking around impatiently as her leg moved up and down as if it were dancing to a song only the leg could hear.

I twisted the handle and saw her face light up.


"Hey Adelia. What's up?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. So much light hurt sometimes, it was hard to get used to it.

"How do you feel about video games?" She asked, pulling her arm from behind her back to reveal 2 CDs.

I don't know how, but I found myself sitting down on her apartment floor, in front of a tv. My hands fiddled with the controls, and my first thought was about how a few months ago, Ethan and I were doing the same thing.

Adelia had a new video game and had invited me over. Justin and Oliver were unavailable because they were at work, so she thought I would enjoy them. Not gonna lie, video games were totally my thing.

"So..." Adelia sat down. "What do you think of Jus?"

I took a small bite out of the snacks she put down so I didn't make a rude impression. My character in the game started doing some cool tricks, but that question made my shoulder rise.

"I don't know." I said, remembering Justin's actions. "He seems nice."

"Nice in what way?"

"Just... nice." I sighed. "It was sweet how he stopped me from leaving."

"You do realize that he's... into you. Right?" she asked with a grin.

My character in the game died due to my sudden shock, which made me curse out loud. When Adelia said those words, so much ran through my mind. How? Why? How could he like me, especially due to how I looked like? Why did he like me, if I had been so rude to him the night before?

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