Harry Styles and the Outcast The Final Chapter

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles for being amazing :)

Yeah yeah yeah I know that this may be short but I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I AM GOING with this so yeah this is going to be it and it's gonna be cute don't worry but I already have a plan for another book :) It'll be really good and even longer so again I am SORRY and please don't hate me and unfan because of this :) I love you guys and that's the last thing I want XOXO Maura


The Final Chapter

Zoey's POV

It has been 2 months since that perfect night with Harry.  Tonight was the dance where afterwards he and the boys would be leaving.  I knew that after tonight my world would come crashing down around me.  I knew that I had to be strong, however, for Harry.  This would be hard on him too. 

It was Saturday and there were no classes, so I spent the day picking out a dress for tonight.  I got a shower when I came to a block and fixed my hair in curls around my face.  Then, I made my makeup perfect.  Finally I decided on a pink strapless dress that was sinched under my chest with a white bow and there were ruffles underneath that.  It came about 3 inches above my knees and I wore some sparkly wedge heels to go with it.

The dance was in 10 minutes and it was in the main quad.  I wad going to meet Harry there tonight.  That's when I heard my door open and 6 people flood in. Maya and her crew strutted up to me glaring at me.  They weren't even dressed up for the dance,

"Why aren't you guys dressed up?"

"Because we would rather ruin your life instead." Maya sneered.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're meeting Harry right?"


"Well now you aren't."

She and the girls knocked me to the floor tying me up and shoving me in a corner.  Then they sat on my bed and watched TV!

I couldn't believe what they were doing! They were stopping me from having my last couple of hours with Harry before he left tonight.

I started crying hot tears and tremors ran through my cold body.  They had shoved me onto the air vent. 

I could feel my phone vibrating in my clutch purse that was tied to my side and I knew it was Harry.  Probably disappointed and hating me right now.  I couldn't blame him.  I had ditched him on the night that mattered the most.  Not that it was my fault, but he didn't know about this.

Harry's POV

She's not coming.  She isn't here and she won't be.  On this night of all nights.  She doesn't even bother to come see me.  Even though I have to leave in 20 minutes.  I can't believe she would do that. 

Now I am standing over by the punch bowl alone and upset without my girl on the night I need to leave. 

I have tried texting her like a billion times... I can't do anything else except sit here and wait.

"Hey Harry, maybe something came up?" Louis tried to comfort me.

"No, she ditched me.  She would've texted or called if something "came up."

Niall's POV

I don't believe that Zoey would stand him up.  I know her and she wouldn't do this.  She isn't like that.  I decided to go to her dorm and check things out.  When I walked over there I looked around and I could see the light flashing from a TV so I went to look through the window. 

When I looked through the window a shot of disbelief pounded through me! I saw the "Clique" sitting there on her bed watching TV.  Then as  I scanned the room I saw a very sad and scared Zoey sitting in the corner.  I immeadietly went running back to the dance to tell Harry and when I got there he was gone.  I looked down the road and saw him trudging along to the limo with his stuff.  He had called them and told them to come now according to Louis who told me to go get my stuff.  I told him I needed to do something first and I made a mad dash after Harry.  I finally caught up to him panting and sweating.

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