Chapter 9) Black Ink: Jason's POV

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A/N: Merry Christmas//Happy Holidays!


I had just about drifted off when I heard Leo yell something.

Groggily, I sit up and force myself off the cushioned bench. I guess sleep can wait.

As I jog through the garden, past the fountains, it seems so peaceful that I almost forget about the commotion that woke me up. Maybe I imagined it? No...I could never be that lucky.

I'm quickly snapped out of my daze by the toppled table and blackened grass coming into view. Leo has his back to me, standing across from a hunched over Calypso.

Then she rises.

Black ink drips from her lips and her eyes are cruel. There's no way Leo is less mortified than I am, but at least he's physically unharmed.

What is going on?

"Erebos," Leo hisses and I stop at his side, "Leave her alone!" Erebos?

Basically reading my mind, she speaks with a deep, peculiar voice, "Yes, Jason, I am the son of Chaos," the words echo right through my bones, "Perhaps you're more familiar with my Roman name: Scotus?"

I squint, acknowledging that he's definitely a monster based off his sister's track-record, "How about I give you a one-way ticket back to Tartarus?" My hand hovers over the hilt of my blade - more than ready to draw. I don't know if I'll be able to kill him but I can sure as Pluto try.

Leo, however, glances down at my sword and shakes his head, "No, you'd just be hurting her." Calypso's face has paled visibly. I hope she's fighting against him. She must be.

"Leo is right, son of Jupiter, you cannot touch me," Erebos chimes.

"Look, Scott - or whatever your name is," Leo begins and I raise my eyebrows, almost snorting, "Quit this whole 'possession bit' right now, or we're going to have a serious problem. Comprende?"

For a second, Erebos appears taken aback, "It's Scotus! But your gimmick does not threaten me, demigod. I'm here for leverage."

I cross my arms, struggling to take him seriously now, despite his cold tone, "Let me guess. You want to take over the world?"

"Not the world, child," Erebos replies, "Rather what lies beneath."

Leo blinks, "You want the Underworld?"

"Of course," he sneers and starts pacing back and forth. The grass around him turns to ash, "And I will be taking the two of you hostage! Oh, I mustn't forget lovely Calypso here," he strokes her hair and Leo scowls, "For, you see, Hades isn't taking house calls at the moment. It's rubbish. I mean c'mon, all I want is his throne! I don't know why he's throwing such a fit. If it isn't obvious, we had somewhat of a disagreement a few weeks ago about the matter. To sum all of this up, I need the aid of your friends to get into his palace...More specifically, I need Nico...I mean, Hazel would do, but let's not overcomplicate matters." This guy is starting to feel about as scary as a paper plane.

Leo nods slowly, "You like to talk, huh?"

Erebos stops dead in his tracks and a wave of discomfort rushes over me as Calypso's possessed eyes gradually meet mine, "The son of Hephaestus thinks this is a game. Roll the die, Jason. Tell me if you think this is fun." Smoke escapes from Calypso's fingertips, turning into dozens of dice. Erebos chucks them at our feet and they fade before they reach us like they never intended to.

"Okay, so we playing Monopoly next or what?" Leo jokes.

Erebos flicks his finger nonchalantly and ropes of darkness wrap themselves around his ankles, dragging him to the ground. Leo yelps as he falls. I try to free him with my sword but the celestial gold passes right though them, "Stop! Stop!" I plead as they climb Leo's legs, tightening around his chest.

He's suffocating. Panic fills my chest, "Erebos!" I roar, summoning lightning.

"No-" Leo coughs, "Calyp-" The blow wouldn't kill her but it'd hurt. A lot.

I lower my fist, wincing at the drawback as the clouds overhead disperse, "Stop. Please," I plead as the ropes cover Leo's mouth and his eyes widen in desperation.

"Do you always mock what you do not understand?" Erebos twirls his fingers, laughing unpleasantly, "Tell me, Jason, was it wise to question my power?"

"You're killing him!" I roar, "What.. What happened to us being hostages?!"

Suddenly, Leo ignites, but the fire - like my sword - does nothing to the ropes, "Your struggle is futile," Erebos taunts.

I rattle my brain for solutions.


I search beyond what I can see and focus on what I can otherwise sense. Beneath all that evil is someone good. She's still in there, "Calypso! That's Leo! He's going to kill Leo! Please, you have to fight him!"

Leo stops writhing, which means we're almost out of time.

"Nice try, Jason, but-"

Something shifts and Calypso's face softens. A familiar pigment returns to her cheeks and her eyes harden with a different kind of determination. 'Leo' she mouthes and extends her arms, summoning the ropes. Demanding that they release him.

I drop to my knees, "Leo!" I shout and sigh in relief when his eyes flutter open. He inhales sharply. She saved his life.

"Woah," he says and I help him up, "Thanks."

I turn my attention back to Calypso as Leo tries to process what just happened to him. She's gripping her head in agony as black ink pools from her nose.

She straightens her back, "That will not happen again."

Erebos has regained control.

"Looks like she's powerful too," I state, never having doubted it to begin with.

"She's irrelevant!" He claims, surging forward. I dodge his offence easily, avoiding any strike against Calypso, "You cannot hurt me!"

I roll my eyes, "Give it up already. You're never going to win! Just let her go and I might let you live." That's an outright lie. He nearly killed Leo: he's a dead 'man' walking.

Before I can react, an invisible force snatches my sword. Erebos catches it and holds it against Calypso's neck, nearly nicking her skin, "We're going to Camp Half-Blood. You're going to act like nothing is wrong. We're going to draw Nico out on his own and I will let all three of you go on the condition that he takes me to his father's palace. Or I could just slice her head off right now. Which will it be?"

Leo surrenders immediately, "We'll take you to Camp Half-Blood! Don't hurt her. Don't." He gives me an apologetic look but I refuse to judge his choice.

We'll have to figure out a way to warn our friends during the journey back.

"I suppose Calypso's strength will diminish significantly when we depart," Erebos hums as he takes a few steps backwards.

"She'll be mortal?" Leo contemplates, "Leaving should be her choice... It shouldn't be like this... It's beyond wrong..."

Erebos smirks, "Yes, it's a pity isn't it?"

Rage burns in Leo's eyes, "Shut up! Shut up!" I stop him before he gets too close.

"Let's get going," Erebos decides, skipping off. Yes, skipping.

"I'm sorry," I whisper as Leo's eyes fog up. I can't imagine how he must feel right now.

"He's the one who's going to be sorry," Leo mutters in response, shaking me off and marching after Erebos - towards the beach.

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