Just Another Supply Run

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So far, Luke was rather, well...enjoying perhaps wasn't the best word to choose. It didn't quite feel right to say he was 'enjoying' himself since joining up with the Alliance. One didn't enjoy being part of a war, after all. He was on some level, but it was more than that. He felt useful with the Alliance, satisfied with what he was doing for them, what he'd done already. He felt like he had a purpose. That he was making a contribution. He was making a difference.

At least, that's how he usually felt. Just now, however? He was bored out of his skull. It was almost worse than being back home on his Uncle's farm. At least there he's had chores to keep him occupied—and wasn't that an odd thought to be having—and the opportunity to sneak away for some flying or to meet up with his friends.

Just now all he had to occupy himself with were reports that needed to be filled out...and he'd already finished those. And Malden and Greer weren't the most talkative of companions, nor did they seem terribly interested in, well, much. Luke nearly groaned at the thought. Their lives were the Rebellion, and while Luke could respect and even admire that, it didn't make for great conversation. Most topics had been exhausted on the flight to Dantooine, and neither of them seemed terribly keen on rehashing their efforts with the Rebellion so far, which he could admittedly understand...he wasn't terribly keen on reliving his own more significant contributions either; for all that it had been a good thing, being the one behind the destruction of the Death Star weighed heavily on him...a lot of people had died because of him...and he'd lost his best friend. So he could definitely understand his companions' reluctance to talk about their experiences in the war.

Even so, now? Greer was set up at the comm station keeping an eye out for their supply runner to arrive. Malden looked like he'd dozed off, soft snores coming from the older man where he'd made himself comfortable in the co-pilot's seat of the small cargo ship they were waiting on.

Which left Luke to entertain himself...and there wasn't much in the way of distraction...

He was finally considering taking a walk to stretch his legs or taking a quick nap himself when a faint pinging sounded next to Greer's elbow.

At once the atmosphere in the ship changed, Luke and Greer both straightening with interest and Malden rousing almost instantly.

An old hand at the process, Greer was through the confirmation that the incoming ship was in fact their supply runner and was giving them the okay to the rendezvous with practiced efficiency. Though, to Luke, it felt like the exchange of coded phrases and passwords took forever. He wanted to be doing something. Apparently he wasn't doing a good job of keeping it to himself, though.

As Greer wrapped up with the incoming ship he was grinning at Luke before standing, pausing only to whack Malden lightly on the shoulder to urge him to stand too.

"Don't get too excited, Skywalker," the Kuati Rebel said jovially. Luke nearly scowled at the almost patronizing tone but forced it aside. "It may be something to do, but offloading cargo is not fun work." Luke scoffed as he too got to his feet, ignoring Malden's chuckles.

"It's not my first supply run, you know," he pointed out almost petulantly as he grabbed up his jacket, shrugging into it as his companions did with theirs, Malden trying somewhat futilely to brush out the wrinkles using his as a pillow had caused. "Besides, it can't be any worse than some of my chores back home. You've never had to go through a vaporator harvest with my Uncle..." Greer barked out a laugh, clapping Luke on the shoulder before congenially shoving him out toward their ship's boarding ramp as he passed.

They didn't have to wait long before the supply ship dropped through the atmosphere and into sight. It wasn't the ship Luke had been expecting. Malden whistled low as he caught sight of the red Corellian corvette, earning an amused grin from Greer.

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