Recounting the Family History

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Orran couldn't help but smile as he watched his visiting niece and her family in the living room of his Naboo home. Skywalker sat on the floor next to their daughter, his face alight with adoration as he watched the little girl babbling away. And Ana. Little Ana. She was just precious. Curious and bold and sweet. The very image of her father, but with her mother's delicate chin and nose.

And Neva's smile. His own smile widened, glancing to his sister's daughter.

Athara? Well...Orran's smile grew fractionally thoughtful as he took in his niece where she sat on the couch across from him. Athara was positively glowing with happiness as she too watched her husband and daughter.

Seeming to sense a change in him—entirely likely, he mused with a faintly admonishing chuckle—she looked up to him then, her mild expression shrewd and unreadable as she levelly met his gaze, the faintest of grins tugging at her lips. And then her features grew nearly amused.

"Ana?" The cheerful girl looked up at the sound of her mother's voice, bouncing up to stand at her knee. Athara smiled fondly at her, brushing a few strands of her sandy hair back. "Didn't you have something you wanted to ask your Uncle Orry?" At once Ana brightened further and, almost as fast as Orran could blink, she had scrambled around the table and up onto the couch beside him.

"Can you tell me about my Nana Neva?" Orran was nearly speechless with surprise at the question. He glanced to the two Jedi. Athara merely smiled at him with nearly the same indulgent look she'd given her daughter while Luke shook his head fondly at Ana's antics.

Before Orran could vocalize the question he was struggling to form, Athara shrugged at him, somehow knowing what he wanted to ask. "You knew her. I didn't," she said simply. He couldn't argue with that. But he shook off the melancholy that had inevitably emerged at the thought and looked back down to the little girl who smiled up at him with his sister's smile.

"Okay, then," he agreed, "what is it you want to hear?" A small, thoughtful frown crossed Ana's face.

"Well, Gramma already told me she was a Queen just like she was, and that she met my Grampa Ben—he was a Jedi, just like my Grampa Ani and my mum and my Daddy—and she met him when she was a Princess of Th...Th..." she faltered, working to remember.

"Theed," Orran prompted gently even as he raised a brow at Athara. Gramma? He imagined that was who he thought it was. Athara smiled, nodding only once in confirmation. Ana grinned up at him

"Yeah! Theed. And that when Gramma went to Coruscant, Nana went too and that they were friends and Nana helped make Gramma pretty dresses." For a moment he thought she was about to launch into a tangent where she told him everything her grandmother had told her given how she'd already nearly gone off on other tangents, but she cut herself off, looking up to him expectantly. She was oblivious to just how endearing her excited recounting had been. "But I wanna know mo-ore," she pleaded. "I wanna know what she was like when she was little." Across the way, Athara sighed softly while Luke was stifling a grin as he glanced up to his wife. Orran could only chuckle.

"Alright, then," he soothed, curling an arm around his grand-niece and growing thoughtful as he pondered what to tell and how to begin. Ana took the gesture as an invitation and promptly made her way onto his lap; the perfect place for stories, he remembered fondly from his own childhood. "Let's see...well, our father's name was Brahm—he made dresses for our planet's important officials just like our family has done for generations—and your Nana's mother's name was Kira. She was a teacher, I think, and served on our village council. I remember my father saying that, when she was your age, your Nana wanted to design and make dresses for the Queen just like her Gramma did when she was all grown up. She even started apprenticing in our family's shop."

"'Prenticing? Like learning? Like I will with Mama to become a Jedi when I'm bigger?" Ana interrupted, looking to her mother for confirmation. Athara nodded but fixed her daughter with a firm look of admonishment for interrupting. Ana sagged minutely, but quickly enough was looking back up to Orran as he continued.

"Yes, she was an A-pprentice," he corrected gently, "I imagine just like you will one day, only to become a seamstress instead of a Jedi," he confirmed. "But then she was chosen by our education system's aptitude tests as having the potential to become a talented politician, and she joined..."

And enthralled, Ana listened intently as he told her everything he could remember about her Nana Neva.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to Vote and Comment!

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