Chapter 11 Discoveries

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John had walked out after the Doctress, very confused.

Sherlock put the tips of his fingers together like a steeple, closing his eyes, going to his 'mind palace'. Sherlock reopened his eyes and picked up John's laptop, going to a search engine.

'The Doctress' he typed out.

Somewhere in a top secret base, an alert popped up. The cheeky boy looked at the alert, thinking it over before he pushed 'allow' so whoever wanted the information about one of his top secret and favorite heroine could browse to his heats content.

The message traveled as quick as a switch, and Sherlock's search brought up millions of documents, images, museums, and places, all almost making the laptop crash.

Sherlock was surprised. He clicked the first link that showed, and it brought him to a slide show put together by some 'Whovian'.

The first one was an old photo in a glass case in Washington D.C., and a girl stood grinning between two pioneers. She looked nothing like the Doctress, and Sherlock flipped to the next photo, of another glass case with a photo in it. This one showed a girl with her hair up, on a Victorian house's wrap around portch, ginning and looking like she was about to laugh in her oversized and overly covered in crimson and white ribbons dress.

Sherlock widened his eyes. It was the Doctress! But that couldn't possibly be! Sherlock checked the date- December 12 1810.

It was impossible.

But there she was.

And Sherlock knew that it couldn't be the Doctress's grandmother or great grandmother. Every detail was the same. If that was her grandmother then she would be older than him- and something would have changed because no parents and offspring are exactly alike. Never.

Sherlock moved to the next photo. It was in a museum, behind glass again, and the Doctress was standing in a line behind a fire with a bowl, in the middle of the desert, the cook caught in time lifting the ladle to fill the next man in line's bowl.

The next photo was a group of women in a protestor's march for Woman's Suffrage, the Doctress turning her head to talk to the girl beside her but still raising a sign. "We will make an impact on History!" The sign declared.

Sherlock scrolled back something catching his eye.

He scrolled back to the first one with the girl between two pioneers. Her face was covered in dirt, but Sherlock looked to the background. There, behind a wagon, was a telephone box.

He turned to the one with the Victorian dress. The girl had her hair ted up with four ribbons- all the same ones he had held once before, a red box down the street.

The next one had a telephone box too, it's sides peeking from the rocky outcrop that framed one side of the picture behind the fire.

The next one, also, had a red box, settled behind the protestors.

Sherlock flicked to the next photo- it was a young Mrs.Hudson sitting down and having tea with the Doctress. The Doctress smiled, but Sherlock could tell she was almost gagging at the taste of the tea.

The next few contained the Doctress pulling Mrs.Hudson behind her, across train tracks, across a street, across the top of a building, and one where they looked like they where sneaking into the red police box.

The last photo stated simply-

The Doctress saved us millions of times. She gave hope to our ancestors, she nudged us forwards, and most of all, she kept going.

Realize this dear reader- She is out there, saving our lives and fixing time and space. And you where allowed to view this, which means you are her ally.

Sherlock stopped and turned off the laptop, placing it away from him before going to his 'mind palace', sorting out what he knew.

Sherlock stood up and looked out the window at the red box, standing harmlessly on the sidewalk, yet it's very existence crushed facts like dust.

Why hadn't he seen it before?

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