The Scientist

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Warren finally opened his eyes just a little after Max left. He laid in bed, folded his arms behind his head and contemplated what the hell happened.

"What a bizarre night," the straight A student thought.

He thought about how he came here. Well, obviously, this was his dorm room. But he pondered what last night meant.

"What a bizarre night," he said to himself, finally sliding out of his bed and stretching. He briefly wondered where Max went, but he just assumed she made her way back to her dorm while he slept.

After he stretched, he smelled his armpit and grimaced. He really needed a shower.

He walked over to his closet to grab a change of clothes. He grabbed his "world famous" Schrodinger's Cat shirt as well as a casual pair of jeans, and a pair of boxers. As he passed his desk, his eye caught some of a photo laying on his desk. A grin spread across the brunette's cheeks.

He really thought about checking out what the photo was, but he decided to take his shower first. After all, one should greet good news clean right?

After grabbing his phone, he took his clothes to the shower stall. Thankfully, the boy knew he wouldn't be interrupted by his dorm mates. He knew he could take his time.

As he showered, he thought about Max (Not in that way, you perv!). He remembered how warm it felt to hold Max the way he did. He remembered the feeling of utter tranquility he felt. He remembered never wanting the night to end.

He wondered if she felt the same.

In fact, the memory had nearly caused Warren to fall asleep. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster ("There is absolutely no possible way people believe that!", Max had said) that he phone notification went out. If he fell asleep in the shower that would certainly be embarrassing.

Nevertheless, Warren dragged himself out of the water and dried his naked body. Afterwards, he checked his phone still tucked away in the pants he wore the night before. His weather updated on his phone told him that the weather would be in the mid to high 80s today.

"That's... unbelievable", Warren stated, sounding slightly like Owen Wilson. "Just last night it was in the low 10s, now it's in the 80s!" He quickly walked to a window, only to find that the snow had all but melted!

It made no sense, but then again it made sense. Warren had been observing and noting the strange but subtle weather throughout the week. Last night was probably the most "normal" for Arcadia Bay, Oregon at this time of year, and yet the snowflakes were very thin.

He had noticed several subtle changes in the weather. From bizarre temperature changes, to strange precipitation, Warren had noted them all. He wondered if it was a weird anomaly or if it was strange work of global warming or something.

In speaking of strange, Warren came back to reality only to remember he was standing butt naked in the hallway!

"No wonder why they call me, 'Warren Gayram'." He mumbles to himself.

Embarrassed, the boy scrambles to his clothes in the showers and meekly dresses. From there, he heads into his room.

He had nearly forgotten the photos on his desk until he had packed up his few other dorm belongings. The last item he needed to get was the dog tag that was in his drawer in the little box. As he dug out the tags, he saw there was a note with the two photos on his desk. He also noticed that the note was in Max's handwriting.

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