Last Forever: Part 2

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Chloe and Warren made some small talk while they waited on Kate. Chloe had just got done talking about her new NPDAP. Or, the No PDA Policy when Kate finally arrived. She tossed Warren a blanket to put on Max, and gave one to Chloe. She explained that she had talked to the other kids. She described the storm and warned the others to get away from Arcadia Bay. Fortunately, some of them listened. Brooke, Juliet, Daniel, even Ms. Grant promised to leave town. Some others unfortunately didn't listen. Luke, Evan, Taylor and Courtney did not heed her advice. Hopefully, they would be safe. Kate had done the best she could do. They just had to wait and see.

Warren and Chloe thanked her for the blankets. They also insisted on Kate going to sleep. The poor girl seemed like she swaying on her feet. Kate reluctantly agreed. She layed down next to Chloe. Chloe covered her up and she fell asleep almost instantly.

Kate grabbed the end of the blanket and snuggled up to it beside Chloe. She regarded the blonde before talking, "You know Kate was the first to comfort me after the whole Jefferson thing."

"I saw. I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I was too busy hugging Max and being glad I was alive."

"It's fine. I just felt like saying it. It was really sweet."

"She is sweet. She didn't deserve what was happening to her."

"She really didn't." She brushed some hair out of Kate's mouth. Better. "Well, Graham Cracker, I'm going to try to catch some zs. You should too."

"Sounds like a plan. Night, Chloe."

"Night, Big Brain."

Chloe lay on her back and slowly drifted off to sleep. Warren, in the meantime, turned to Max. He grabbed some blanket over himself and snuggled next to Max. He too drifted off.

Warren woke up feeling Max shift next to him. He opened his eyes groggily, "Max?" He hated how stuffy his voice sounded from sleep.

She didn't listen to him. She seemed like she was sleep walking the way she was moving. He dealt enough with it with his dad.

"Max?" Chloe asked. Her voice wasn't thick with sleep. She had been up for a while.

Max mumbled something about, "Needing to find something". Still laying on the mattress, Warren turned his body to face Chloe. "You think this is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"If this is the vision she had?"

"Doubt it. Maybe with her powers gone she took up sleep walking. Besides, I don't hear the tornado. Unless…"

"Unless what?"

"You wanna bet on it? Obviously we should follow her so she doesn't hurt herself. I bet ten bucks she's just sleep walking."

Max didn't remember much of her vision, this is true. It was more likely than not that this could be her vision. Hell, what did he have to lose? If they survived the storm, he'll be ten dollars richer. "Sure."

Chloe smiled and enthusiastically spit in her hand and extended it. "Shake on it."

"With your spit on your hand? Gross."

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