We Meet Again

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After the party, majority of the people from our batch took off, leaving only the 6 of us in the huge cabin: Flynt, Hyang Soon, Kevin, me, and Ae Young.

Kevin and the three other people have decided that they would play pool in the living room area. Me, I decided not to join them and just stay outside the cabin where I could get some fresher air. Kevin's talking way too much and I can't, I just can't keep up with him right now.

"Ah, that feels great.", I muttered to myself as the cold wind touched my skin. It's been a while since I visited Kevin's hometown. I've been busy these past few days and the only rest day I have are Saturdays and Sundays. The rest is ugh, stressful.

"Hey.", suddenly, someone from behind tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned my head to see who it was, it revealed Ae Young's face and she's smiling at me.


She was holding a mug on her hand when she sat down on a chair beside me. When I glanced at her, I noticed that she's not wearing the necklace her ex-boyfriend gave her way back 4 years ago. Min Joon, that stupid guy who hanged her to dry. *Sigh... that guy. Every single time I remember him and how he treated Ae Young like that, gosh. And this girl never learned no matter what I tell her. I don't know about her now, though. But I'm hoping she's not into that guy still.

"So... Are you really not going to talk?", she asked followed by a slight giggle after noticing the awkward silence between us. Pft, hating the silence, huh? It's been a while since we've talked. It's been 4 years even, when we lost communication. I'm not sure whether it's because she's too busy with her work or, if she's just using it as an excuse to avoid talking to me or something.

"Hmm? Talk about what?", I joked.


"What do you wanna talk about, I said.", it's just funny how slow she could keep up with the conversation, though. Our conversation, specifically. She's always like this. I thought she'd change a bit but eh, not really. It's just the way she looked right now that changed. She barely even wear heels and heavy make up before but now she did.

"Well, are you still living in New York?"

"Yeah. I'm currently a registered nurse in Albany Medical Center.", I said, glancing at her with a smile on my face.

. . . another heavy silence occurred between us. Only the sound of the waves splashing and the noise and chattering were heard. It felt kind of awkward meeting her so suddenly like this, or at least that was what I've felt earlier the moment I saw her. It's just like meeting an old friend, only that I'm not sure anymore if she still sees me that way.

"So... How was life in Texas?", hearing nothing from her in return, I began throwing her a question. I'm curious how nice it was living in there for 4 straight years that she forgot she has a friend in New York who's always waiting to hear from her. I'm not really expecting to see her here in the party because 2 years ago, she refused to come when I invited her to go with me to one of our friend's wedding. That's why I thought she won't show up today but she actually did. All the more reason I want to know why she cut her communication with me.

"It was great. I met a lot of people in there and made some friends at work. The weather is nice there too~", as cheerful as she may sound, I could sense that she's quite uncomfortable talking to me. Not sure why or if I'm even sure about this since I've been talking with my back facing her, while I'm leaning my arms against the wooden balcony fence.

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