One drunken night pt 1

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Eleanor watched Sweeney slowly drink all her bottles of gin, between him and Toby, she was running out of gin a lot quicker than she used to!
Sweeney sighed still upset about God knows what.
"Sweeney love, I think you've had enough to drink." The baker said softly making her way to him from behind the counter and took the bottle from him. "Give me back the bottle." Sweeney demanded with a slur.
"Love I ain't gonna sit there and watch ya drink your life away." Eleanor said softly careful to not anger him. Last time he was drunk and she pissed him off, she almost got killed by him! So this time, she was going to be more careful.
Sweeney was getting angry and slammed his fists on the table making the baker jump.
"I wasn't asking." He growled but she just shook her head and put a cork in the bottle. Before Eleanor knew what happened, Sweeney had got up from his spot and roughly grabbed her by the shoulders. The frightened baker breathed heavily as he gripped her arms tightly.
"Next time I say to leave the bottle, leave the bottle. Your not the one in control in this relationship." Sweeney growled. "I will kill you after I get to the judge."

Eleanor nodded quickly, at least he wasn't going to kill her yet... That was a relief. She could feel his eyes go down from her eyes down to her chest which was was going up and down quicker and quicker.

"M sorry mista T, I just don't want to see ya get drunk..." The scared baker said trying to act more brave than she was.

That was another thing he admired about her, she always acted brave, even when she was truly terrified. She would try to act like she wasn't scared, she also would do anything for him. ANYTHING. If he asked her to kill Toby with her bare hands, she would.

Sweeney slowly moved closer to Eleanor and he kissed her lips. Now Eleanor had been waiting for that kiss for many many years so she wasn't going to pull away anytime soon! Eleanor kissed his back and put her arms around his neck still holding the Bottle and he put his hands on her hips as he kissed her more hungrily. He hadn't been with a woman in fifteen years, his desires were getting the best of him. He picked her up their lips not leaving each other and set her on the counter she had finished cleaning. One of Sweeney's hand made their way to the back of her neck and the other traveled down to her thighs.


Eleanor pulled her blanket up over her bare body as she glanced over at Sweeney, oh thank god Toby was at his friends house! That would have been an awkward morning if he wasn't. Toby would either know what they were doing or ask questions about why there were lots of odd noises coming from her room. She sighed knowing that once Sweeney woke up, he would start asking a lot of questions. But she didn't regret anything they had done.. But did he do it out of love or lust? Was he simply using her for his pleasure even though he knows how she feels or did a piece of him actually care for her? She felt the other side of the bed move and remembered how nice it was to have another in bed with her. Sweeney groaned most likely from the headache he most likely had. He rubbed his forehead and opened her eyes looking at her confused.

"Why am I in your bed?" He asked in pain from his headache and noticed hickies on her neck and how neither had clothes on.

"We didn't do what I think we did did we..." Sweeney asked hoping it wasn't what he thought it was and sighed after she nodded her head yes. Yeah Sweeney liked her, but what about Lucy and Johanna? He wasn't ready to give them up, not yet.. But he loved Eleanor even if he hurt her a lot.

"I'm sorry, I tried to stop you from drinking to much and you kinda snapped and kissed me.." Eleanor said softly feeling her face start to go red as she looked down. The man she loved was in bed next to her...

"You sound like you didn't have fun.." He muttered jokingly and held back his laughter as she went bright red from the question. "I'm joking with you." He laughed softly.

"Oh... Well I should go get dressed..." She said holding the covers close to her.

"Eleanor, I didn't force you did I?" He asked. He may have been a murderer but he never wanted to kill a woman, nor rape a woman or force a woman to have sex with him, it's what helped drive his Lucy to suicide..

"No course not love." Eleanor said giving him a soft smile.

"Good.." He muttered looking away from her. "Alright well I'll quickly change then you can have the room to yourself.."

Eleanor nodded and looked away as he quickly changed and left the room to let her change.

Well this is my first short story in this, there will be a second chapter I hope soon!

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