We can learn to love again: pt 1.

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(A modern take on Sweeney Todd.)

Sweeney Todd had broken out of jail. It wasn't to secure there and he made sure to cover his tracks. He even dyed his brown hair black with a white streak.
Hoping to see Lucy as he around London looking for his old home, he looked around. Finally after a hour if walking he found the pie shop that was underneath his old house. With a proud smile he walked into the worn down building. He had been away for six years now.. He just wanted to see his family.

A woman in her forties wearing a loose black dress that showed all of her shoulders, and sat above her breasts sat at a booth reading a book with a sleeping little girl that was around six with long blond hair and sharp blue eyes cuddled with her. The woman didn't seem to notice him until he coughed awkwardly. She quickly looked up to him and a smile quickly formed. That's when he recognized her, that was Mrs. Lovett, he wasn't sure if she recognized him, he hoped she didn't...
"Hello sir! Here for a pie?" She asked quickly and slowly picked the girl up and set her on the seat before jumping up. Sweeney turned around to get ready to leave, he would just phone Lucy... Maybe just ask around, but before he could go far, she grabbed his wrist gently.
"Where ya goin'?" The woman asked with desperation in her voice. He knew that the poor woman didn't have any costumer for maybe a year it looked like. "Wait a minute... I thought you was a ghost! Take a sit sir!" She said quickly and led him to a empty booth and he sat down watching her with a raised eye brow.
"I'm Eleanor Lovett." Eleanor said with a soft smile as she grabbed a 'clean' plate and placed a cold meat pie on it. Sweeney gulped knowing he would have to eat it, he didn't want to hurt Eleanor's feelings..
She walked over to him holding the plate. "These ought to be the worst pies in London! Trust me I know! Not a costumer in week! If you don't believe me take a bite..." Eleanor said setting down the plate infront of him and watched biting her bottom lip a bit as he took a bite. She saw the disgust on his face when he took the bite.
"I ain't got the good meat.." She sighed and grabbed a cup and poured some gin into it and put it infront of him. He despritly drank the gin to get the taste out of his mouth.

"Told ya they are the worst pies in London... I ain't got anythin' good for meat... Unlike Mrs. Mooney! That woman uses cats! Times is hard sir.. M just a woman alone.. Times is hard..." She sighed and walked over to the counter and propped her elbow on and rested her chin in her hand.

"Well... If times are so hard... Why don't you rent out the upstairs?" Sweeney asked, trying to get answeres with out just saying 'hey I'm Benjam Barker, I should be in jail but I escaped! Where's my wife and child?'
"Well... Some say it's haunted.. Others just don't like me shop.. Or me." Eleanor said in a soft voice finally taking her eyes off of him.
"Haunted?" Sweeney said in a sort of a laugh.
"Yeah.. Who is to say that's wrong? Many things have happened up there... Some think that's were some of the last tenants murdered his victims.." She said looking to him again.
"What happens to the tenants?" Sweeney asked worried about the fact that Lucy and Johanna had left.

"Well.. The husband.. A beautiful barber.." Eleanor said falling into a day dream but then quickly snapped out of it. "His foolish wife.. Poor woman.. The husband got sent away.. False charges.. The wife helped a judge planed it all... She left her little girl Johanna with me." At that point her gaze moved to the sleeping girl and she sighed. "The wife got raped by the judge not long after... She poisoned herself.. She never did care bout the barbe.."

"Your lying!" Sweeney hollered and interrupted her,he felt angry, betrayed and upset.. His Lucy wouldn't do that to him.. The little girl woke up from Sweeney's yelling.
"Mummy?" The little girl yawned and sat up before running over to Eleanor.
"So it is you? Benjamin barker.." Eleanor said happily as she picked the girl up.
"It's not Benjam barker.. I had to change it.. It's Sweeney Todd now... I will get my revenge on this world.." He said in a low growl. Eleanor gave him a nod as she understood why and held the girl close to her.

"Where's Lucy and Johanna.." Sweeney asked despite to know where they were.

"Lucy... Poor fool.. As I said.. Poisoned herself.." Eleanor said in a soft voice.
"And Johanna?" Sweeney asked eagerly.
"As I said.. I took care of her. Johanna, say hello to mister Todd." Eleanor said in a shaky voice. She was unsure of how he would act to the idea that she raised her.
"Ello!" Johanna said happily and gave him a small wave.

"Johanna..." He said in a low voice which scared the girl a bit and she cuddled closer to Eleanor.

"Mister Todd.. I have something for you." Eleanor said quickly before she forgot. "Follow me..."
Sweeney nodded and she led him to the upstairs room, since she was still holding Johanna, it was a bit awkward going up the stairs.
She put her hand into a small pocket she had on her dress and took out a small ring of a few keys and opened the door. The three went inside and Eleanor set Johanna down. Although she was no longer clinging to her, Johanna followed Eleanor and hugged onto her as she kneeled down and opened a floor board.

"Come in, no need to just stand there." Eleanor said, she knew Sweeney was still at the doorway. Sweeney walked in, the old floor creaking under his steps as she pulled out a box he remembered.. A box that was home to his razors.

"I always knew you'd be back! I kept them you just in case you were, I could've easily sold them for quite a bit." She said holding the box out and blew off some dust.

"My friends..." In a happy voice, the soon to be demon barber spoke with joy. He always loved his straight razors...

"I've been gone for a very long time Mrs. Lovett haven't I..." He asked in a sad voice. So much had changed. His wife was 'dead' and his little girl was raised by his landlady..
He never had the chance to raise Johanna... All because his foolish wife had the hots for the judge.. He would get his revenge on the judge..

"I thank you for keeping my razors.." Sweeney said before she could speak.
"Ah, it was no problem dear." She gave him a soft smile, a smile the barber found he loved. The way it lit up her tired pale face, was something he couldn't describe.
"Please leave me..." He asked opening the old box which creaked from not being opened in five years.

Eleanor obeyed and got, she picked up Johanna knowing she would have to explain all this to her.
"Would you like me tell Johanna?" Eleanor asked in a soft whisper.

"If you think it's right, then yes..." He didn't know if Johanna should know who he was.. He wasn't a father..

The baker nodded before heading out of the door, leaving the barber by himself with his razors, his friends...

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