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"Hey Cameron," I walk up behind him when everyone scattered off to tell the news. "I heard there's a big reward.

"Listen Natalie, scram unless you know who has the stick okay." He tried to sound polite about it but it started to piss me off. I would never give it to him, are you kidding Freddie Blac is my hero, and that's the exact reason why I'm going to steal it from Cameron.

"I know who has your stupid drumstick." He stopped right in front of me and I crashed my books into his side, I made an 'I'm sorry but you deserve it' face.

"Who?" His eyes were staring into mine and I wanted to just spill my guts to him, he was looking into my soul.

I had to blink and continue walking. "I'll tell but you have to do something for me."

"How do I know you know who has it."

"Because they showed me the etching of the lion on the side." His face lit up knowing I speak the truth, only I was the 'they' I was talking about. "Can you do me the favour or not."

"As long as you tell me who has it."

"Deal," I smiled and held out my hand with the other holding my books.

"Deal," he grabbed mine and shook.

"I need Max's number," I paused. "Not for me, for a friend." We continue walking, I'm sure where to, but I needed to talk to him.

"You only have one friend Nat," this was true. "And I guess I can give it to you," I smile. "But you can't prank call him or get my number from him."

"I wouldn't want to do either of those things."

"Very funny," he looked over at me "well, this is my class," he walked through the doorway to see me still standing there.



Great, I'd have to find him next English lesson to get Max's number. Let the master plan begin.


I had to walk all the way to the other side of school for my period 2 class with Rosie. No one cared that I walked in a couple minutes late, we had Mr William Brown who was just as boring and plain as him name. Most people with traditional names have cool personalities, not this guy.

I sat down right next to Rose and started to blurt my guts out about Cameron, the speech, the reward and the phone number.

"You didn't," her hands covered her face as it turned red. "You did not just do that," she whispered afraid people would hear her awkwardness.

"I did and I'm sorry. It had to be done."

"But what is Max going to think when Cameron tells him I needed his number through you?"

"Nothing, just calm down, it's all going to work out fine. You two will get all cutesy together while I sneak into Cameron's house and steal it."

"How will that work? Do you know where he lives? Or where his bedroom is? Or where he keeps the other drumstick?"

"I don't know all of that yet," I had to keep my voice down as Mr Brown looked up from his ancient computer. "But you can be my spy."

"What are you going to tell Cameron when he asks you who has it?"

"I'll do the one thing he won't expect... tell the truth."

Rosie looked at me with disbelief. "But he won't believe you."


"You really have lost your mind."


I knew that I wouldn't see Cameron before tomorrow but he yet again surprised me by showing up at our lunch spot. Rosie and I sit just outside the quad under a few trees, it's far away enough from the noise but not too far to be distant. We've sat in the exact same spot for all our schooling. I had no idea anyone knew we sat there, until today when I turned the corner to find Rosie sitting down beside Cameron, pleading with her eyes.

"Hi, Nat," she said dramatically which made Cameron turn around. "Look who is here."

"Hey," I look as just confused as Rosie. "Why are you here?" I didn't mean to sound so rude but it came out that way.

"I'm here to give Rosie Max's number."

"Yep, I have it," Rosie held up her phone.

"Now it's your turn." Cameron looked at me. "Tell me who has it!"

The seriousness in his face made me cower a bit, but I knew what I was doing, I planned it out. "I have it," I simply state.

"No, seriously tell me who has it," he chuckled.

"No, seriously I have it," I nod. "It's in my safe."

"But you knew about the lion, who told you about the lion?"

Now it was time to lie, but I had practiced it enough during period 2 to make it seem real. "Listen, I overheard someone say that the sticks had lions."

"I can't believe I gave you that number for nothing, that's what I get for trusting you. God!" He stood and stormed off. I felt bad, but then I remember all the horrible jokes and pranks he pulled on me.

The real difference between him and me is that through all the humiliation I tried to put on him, it somehow made him more popular, people felt sympathetic. However all of his cruel jokes made me lose all of my friends, well, not all of them.

"You're welcome," I turned to Rosie.

"He seems really pissed off," we sat down against the wall.

"He'll get over it," I look over to Rosie as she stares at the phone.

"Text him."

"I don't know if I can, what if he doesn't like me."

"Just act casual and see if he is free."

"But he already knows that you asked for the number, besides, Cameron is probably right now telling Max to ignore my texts."

"Just text him and see if he responds or not, how could he not like you. Hello, you are honestly the real life Elsa."

"Thanks Nat."

"Thank me at you and Max's wedding."

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