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The only reason I walked away was because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I had basically expressed my feeling and that she didn't feel the same way. She didn't deny it. At least she got the drumsticks.

Of course I didn't want to see my prized possession go to my former arch-nemesis but it seemed right, the only thing I could do. To make it normal again. It would never go back to normal again.

I quickly drove home and heard Caleb in his room, his school ends freakishly earlier than mine. "Did ya give it to her?" He asks.

"Yes, not that it's any of your business."

"Okay, sorry," he holds his hands up. "Good." I can't help but smile.

The note I wrote in class is still in my back pocket, after I ran across the oval to retrieve it I wasn't sure if it was the right moment. However we are in a new age. Of course meaning, I can text her. Or more importantly, message her on her blog.

Nightfire01: I have something for you and I don't want you to freak out. I don't need a reply but it needs to be said.

Nightfire01: Dear Natalie, (atalienay)

Nightfire01: I admit that I broke into your home and stole something from you, I hope to give it back however. You're sitting right in front of me as I write this, last period of the day. Mrs Haft is doing God knows what.

I get an atalienay is typing notification and my heart jumps.

atalienay: hahaha. Go on.

Nightfire01: All the pranks and bullshit I put you through I'm so sorry, I didn't realise what I was doing until recently when I had some common sense knocked into me. The truth was that I only did it to get your attention.

atalienay: I did it too, to get your attention I mean

Nightfire01: The Freddie Blac thing was really a blessing in disguise, all the years and I'd never really had an opportunity (or never had the courage) to talk to you normally, to start conversations and see you more. I broke into your house once I realised it was you, of course it was you, it had always been you but I was too blind to see you and I broke into your house to try and get what was truly mine, what I really wanted.

atalienay: that drumstick was mine fair and square.

I stop typing in the letter and reply to her message.

Nightfire01: you, you're what I really wanted.

The typing notification came up, and then disappeared. But then it came up again and so did my heart rate, but then it disappeared and so did my heart. I continued the letter.

Nightfire01: Today in class I was asked to write a love letter and this one is to you. Natalie Hart. The owner of mine [heart]. And the first girl I loved. Every time I see you I try and act cool, act like I don't see you. I thought I was playing it cool, but I was really just being a dick and I'm sorry. But love makes us do stupid things. Because I love you.

Nightfire01: I love Natalie Hart.

Stealing from the Bad Boy [completed]Where stories live. Discover now