Chapter One

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Bakugou wanted to bash his skull into a wall or have dumb hair use his quirk and punch him in the face then Pikachu electrocute him maybe then he'd be free from this idiotic fucking crush that's been nagging at him for two years. Two fucking years. Two years pining over a guy whose guts he distinctly remembers hating when they first started going to UA. Out of every shit bag dipshit in this piece of crap school he just had to fall for the pretty boy. He blamed that fucking provisional license course they had to take back as first years. Spending a week with Shouto Todoroki caused more headaches than he could count and even worse it made his heart do stupid shit. Shit that he was absolutely not okay with. He was his rival, the enemy so to speak, but here his pathetic ass was, two years later and still crushing hard like some fucking chick. God, he was Mina.

He's been pretty good at shoving emotions down and locking them away for these past years but the last few months the gods were clearly fucking with him. Of course their teachers would pair them up more and more with missions and training sessions which resulted in more insults and outburst, mainly on his side anyway. The showers were the worst part and no matter how hard Bakugou tried, he couldn't stop from sneaking a glance at Todoroki under the shower head all dripping wet and- GOD DAMN IT NO. Life was laughing at him, having a fucking field day with this sad excuse called a love life. Of course his dumb friends found out, if you could call those cackling hyenas friends. They snuck out of the dorms one night, Pikachu's idea, to get some booze. Bakugou learned that booze and him didn't mix. He became a talker, touchy and emotional. Which were things he fucking hated.

So whenever those two shit heads saw him in the same room as Todoroki, they'd start cracking jokes which resulted with both of them blasted into a wall and a long lecture from Sonic that destroying school property was not right. Which earned him an even bigger lecture from Reverse Seppuku for punching Sonic in the face. Why was everyone in his class a nosey annoying piece of shit?

So here he sat, in his room, alone, trying to focus on this stupid textbook but all he could think about were those heterochromia eyes staring at him and a flushed face with bruised lips and- SON OF A BITCH .

Three years. Three long, hard years at U.A. Academy. Todoroki Shouto was relieved it was coming to an end, though. He was finally in his third year, and life had been nothing but an uphill battle to get to this point. But it was worth it. He'd made it. He'd gotten stronger. He'd made friends and learned how to work with other people. He grew more confident and less arrogant. He didn't seek revenge any longer. He no longer lived in his father's shadow. Shouto was his own person with his own powers to wield, and nothing was going to stop him from reaching the top on his own two feet with the support of his classmates and friends.

Well, ok. There was one thing that needed to be taken care of first, and that was this annoying fluttering sensation he got in his chest every time he laid eyes upon one Bakugou Katsuki. The other man was infuriating. He was callous and rude, arrogant to a fault. But he was also strong and intelligent, he showed kindness in his own way through actions, not words. His eyes burned with a determined fire that nothing could put out, no failure, no amount of kidnapping, nothing. He had a passion so few possessed anymore, and that spoke to Shouto's very soul. It trembled every time he faced Bakugou in the training arena or at the Sports Festivals. It quaked when he was paired with the other for training missions and various internships. When he went to the classes for the retake of the Provisional License he'd earned in his first year, working together with the explosive blond had taught him many things.

First, Bakugou was certainly a force to be reckoned with, especially when he was agitated and determined. Second, when they actually managed to put aside their differences, they were a stellar pair. Shouto had thought he'd worked well with Midoriya and Tenya against the Hero Killer, but this... This was a whole other level. Shouto couldn't help but marvel at the other's fighting prowess, his instinctive battle sense and spur of the moment decision making.

In Which Bakugou Makes an Ass Out of HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now