Chapter Six

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Saying he's in shock was an understatement, it was more like he stopped working. He had shut down and could barely process what had even happened until it was too late and the other had left. His cheek was still warm from when Todoroki kissed it. His blood was racing a hundred miles an hour right now and he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest. He buried his face in his hands. "He's fucking perfect." He groaned under his breath, fisting his hair tightly. It took him a good thirty minutes to get off the couch and head to the elevator. He was in a daze the entire walk back to his dorm, only when he had sat at his desk did he snap out of it. His notes. Bakugou reached out for them. Two can play this game.

Everything was a challenge for him and he wasn't about to back out now, he had to even the playing field with Todoroki before the night was over. So here he stood, in front of the door of the last person he ever would've expected to want to see after what happened in the common room, debating on knocking. He took a deep breath and knocked, holding the notes tightly as he waited.

Once in his room, Shouto actually flopped on his bed and laid his head down on his pillow. He was fully intent on suffocating himself. That was the only way out of this situation. He'd thoroughly embarrassed himself, and despite the signs pointing that he hadn't actually done anything wrong, he was terrified Bakugou would be scared off now. However, when it came to it, as soon as his lungs started to ache from breathing through his chosen method of death, Shouto did turn his head to the side. Gods above, he was an idiot for actually doing that, never mind how nice it felt. Bakugou's cheek was so soft. It was nothing like he'd expected and it made him want to run his hands over other parts of the blond's body.

Biting his lip, he glanced at his clock. Well... he was alone in his room and not expecting anyone else tonight... Maybe he could... His hand started trailing down his body when a knock sounded from the door, startling him into a sitting position. With a frown, he stood to open it, face morphing into genuine surprise when he saw his crush on the other side. "...Hello..." He wasn't really sure what to do in this situation as his heart pounded against his chest.

Bakugou's head snapped up when the door opened, Todoroki looked how he felt. "Um well uh, you forgot your notes." He held them out too fast, blushing at his awkward nervousness. Get it together Katsuki! "Thanks for having dinner with me, it was nice to not want to bash my skull in every time you spoke. That's um, that's a compliment by the way. Shit. Just ignore anything I said alright? That would be absolutely fan-fucking-tastic." He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Look. I had a good time. You're not as insufferable as I thought. Hope we can do it again sometime."

Bakugou did something so un-Bakugoulike that he shocked even himself. He pulled Todoroki into a hug. Not a short one second, half bro hug, an actual hug. His arms wrapped around the others torso, stupid tall prick, and hugged him. Which was bad. Entirely bad. So fucking bad. This close he could smell him and God he smelt like lavender and roses. Why did he even smell so damn perfect? He wanted to be surrounded by that smell for the rest of his fucking life. He wanted his clothes to smell like this. He wanted his bed sheets to be drowned in this sent. God I'm gay. Bakugou broke the hug and stepped back, shoving the notes into the halfie bastards hands. "So yeah. Um, goodnight." He didn't even wait for a response he turned on his heel and walked so fast down the hallway he almost missed the elevator. Of course, I got a hard-on from that.

Heterochromia eyes darted to the stack of paper in Bakugou's hands, realization creeping across his face. Oh yeah. The whole reason any of this started was because he'd gone to pick up his notes. He blinked a bit before answering. "Thank you, Katsuki. I'd honestly forgotten I'd left them in your room." Wait, was he... blushing? Shouto watched, bemused and feeling a little better, a smile sliding onto his face as he listened to the other talk.

In Which Bakugou Makes an Ass Out of HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now