Chapter Thirteen

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After that eventful day, life passed normally. They'd returned to being inseparable, practically joined at the hip. Occasionally, they'd sneak away during the day to get a little handsy with one another because honestly, after a first time like that, who wouldn't be able to keep their hands off each other? Nearly getting caught more than once didn't even deter them. However, one thing persisted - Katsuki was always in charge. Shouto bottomed, and every time it took his breath away.

But he was starting to wonder what Katsuki felt like, being in control. And on top of that, Valentine's Day was coming up, and Shouto had no idea what to do for his boyfriend.

The following weeks after Shouto's birthday seemed to pass like normal, with the exception of the two going at each other like rabbits any second they got. Though Bakugou was really surprised since Todoroki was the one that instigated it most of the time and he didn't mind, having him moaning and shuddering beneath him was probably the best thing in the fucking world. Twice they've gotten caught, but only by Kirishima or Momo. He dreaded to think how Deku would freak out seeing his two best friends in that way. Though getting a lecture by Sonic for public decency wasn't what he wanted every other day. It was irritating, to say the least.

Valentine's day was around the corner and he didn't know how he was going to be able to top that birthday of his, but he sure as hell was gonna try to. He already was planning to make him some sweets but should he take him out? He should. Uraraka would harass the hell out of him if he didn't do that.

Soon, it was only a week before Valentine's Day, and Shouto still had no idea what to do for his boyfriend. What did normal couples do? How was the day honestly any different from any normal day? Was it really that much more romantic? As if sensing his distress, there was a knock on his dorm room door. He was in his own dorm, wanting to take some alone time to figure stuff out. So when he went to his door and opened it, he was surprised to see Momo.

"H..ello? What can I do for you, Momo?" She simply smiled knowingly at him. Honestly, it was disconcerting. Shouto found himself frowning as he stood in his doorway.

"Surely you know it's proper etiquette to offer me an invitation into your room?"

". . .Come in, then."

"With pleasure~," she said, striding into the room as soon as Shouto moved to the side. Immediately, she settled herself on his bed facing him. "Now, I can tell from your behavior and the contemplative looks you've had all week, you're fretting about Valentine's Day. Am I correct in my assumption?" Nothing gets by her... He nodded in defeat, taking a seat on the floor in front of her. "Well, I'm here to help~ Time to stray from the traditional~"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see. Give me just a moment. It needs to finish."

He lost track of time and now that stupid day was nearly here already so here he was, at home baking as fast as he fucking could and if things couldn't get any worse, those shit head friends decided to tag along. He hated them. Why couldn't they get hit by a car when they came over? Stupid fucking pieces of-

"You Bakubro, your mumbling insults again," Kirishima commented from one end of the kitchen, frosting cupcakes as his designated job.

"Yeah man just relax and chill, all this will be done in no time." Kaminari gave a salute as he put chocolates in a bag.

Bakugou breathed out a low groan, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If you fuckers mess this up I swear I actually really will kill the both of you. I'm not kidding this time."

"Sure blasty, whatever you say my- HEY! No throwing kitchen knives at people!" The electric user nearly dodged a fatal accident of his ear being cut off when the explosive teen chucked the knife at him.

In Which Bakugou Makes an Ass Out of HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now