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Just be aware that I like to write longer chapters and I do edit mine carefully. If you see any grammar mistakes or anything that doesn't make sense, please comment and I'll fix it ASAP. Also, this is a very DETAILED story. There will be stories about other characters having sexual intercourse besides the reader. There will also be gory subjects and sexual topics in this story, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.



"Ah, come on. It's no big deal." Kenny smirked, leaning against the locker next to me. I roll my eyes. "I'm not skipping class. I have a test tomorrow and we're doing a review today for it."

I close my locker and I start walking towards my class. Kenny swung himself off the lockers, and started following me. "Well, maybe if you studied more often, you wouldn't have to be in class."

I give him a glare, and he just laughs. "You're so cute when you try to intimidate me." He teased. He put his hand on top of my head, and messed up my hair.

"Kenny!" I whined. I groan in annoyance, trying to fix it. He chuckled again.

"Ah, (Y/N). You're the reason I leave my hood down." He smiled. I looked at him with confusion.

"What does that even mean?" I asked. He put his arm around my shoulder causally, then answered my question. "The hood to my jacket."

"Oh..." I understood. I pulled his arm off me, and entered my class with out saying anything else to Kenny. I sit in between Kyle and Stan. "You were walking with Kenny?" Stan asked me, confused.

I sighed. "Yeah, but more like he was walking with me. He was asking if I would skip class with him." I told him. Stan lost his confused look and went right into discomfort. "Are you going to?"

"No." I answered. Kyle let out a little chuckle. "Is Stanley Wanley getting a little jealous?" Kyle laughed. Stan's face flushed of red, and he stiffened up. "N-no. I just don't think it's smart to skip. (Y/N) can date whoever she wants." He started to laugh uncomfortably.

I look a him with confusion. "I'm not dating Kenny."

"Oh... Well, then never mind." Stan trailed off. He started to scratch the back of his head. "Ahem." Kyle coughed loudly towards him.

"What?" Stan asked. Kyle started pointing towards me, and signaling at me. Stan rolled his eyes and put ear plugs in his ears and started to look over his notes.

I look at Kyle, confused. "I'll tell you later." He says, as he glares at Stan. Stan didn't notice, and continued to read his notes.

After going over the review for the test, class time was over. I grabbed all of my notes, and started to talk to my teacher. We would usually chat a little bit about class notes and I would ask if I had anything missing.

After doing so, I walked out of the class to my locker. Because I took so long in class, everybody was already out the halls and in the cafeteria. I put my binder inside, and grab my lunch. After closing my locker, I turned around, and there stood Kenny right in front of me. He leaned over me, and rested one arm on the locker, while the other was jammed in his pocket. He had his hood up, but I could still see his face and hair.

"How was class?" He asked.

"It was fine." I responded back. He pushed his arm off the locker and was no longer leaning over me. He started to walk down the hall, and I walked by his side. "Do you want to go outside for lunch?" He asked. He pulled out a box of cigarettes, and insisted I took one. I give him a worried look. "Kenny, put that away before somebody sees."

KENNY X READER - YANDERE / Lemon : Psycho.(COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now