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Kenny's POV

I got home, and ran up to my room. I strip down to my underwear and jump in my bed.

I look at my phone, and see that I had received a Snapchat from Craig.


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Perfect. Everything was going into play.



Math class was over. Today I wasn't in the mood to stay after. I quickly gather my things and walked to my locker. "(Y/N)! Wait up!" I hear behind me. I turn around to see Stan running after me. Once he reaches me, he hunches over, trying to breath. "Damn, you move quickly!" He laughed. He looked up to me. "Are you okay?"

I focus back to trying to find my lunch in my locker. "I still can't believe Kyle went missing... I hope he's okay."

"Hey guys!" I hear from behind us. I look back to see who it is. It's Kenny. He puts his arm around my shoulder as I go back to look in my locker. "I can't find my lunch." I tell them. Kenny chuckled. "Well I'd hope so, I made lunch for you today. Just thought I'd cook for you." Kenny smiled, giving me a paper bag.

"Oh, well thank you." I smile. We all make our way to the cafeteria. With Kenny in the middle, he started putting his arm around both mine and Stan's shoulders.

"So, I found out some information about Kyle's abductor." Kenny started telling us. "It's somebody in this school. There's no way it would be an adult, and they must have had a reason to abduct him. Did somebody have it out for him?"

Stan shook his head. "I wouldn't think so. I guess the only person I would think would do it was Cartman, but after all these years, it would be weird because he's never done this to him before."

"Hm, must have gotten fed up finally." Kenny pointed out. We finally reach the cafeteria, and we sit next to each other. Kenny sat next to me, with his arm around my waist, and Stan sat across from me. I open the lunch bag Kenny gave to me, and inside was a thermos.

I started to drink from the thermos. It's tomato soup, it's delicious! "Kenny, thank you. This is really good."

"Anything for you." He winked.

Stan looked at us in confusion. "Is this now a thing? I thought yesterday you said it wasn't." He asked sternly.

"No, Kenny is just touchy." I told him.

Stan nodded his head slightly. "So, I'm assuming that means you'll be free tomorrow night?" He asked.

Kenny placed the bottle he was drinking from, and placed it on the table. He took his hand off my waist, and crossed his arms on the table and glared at Stan. I ignore him.

"Are you trying to ask me something?" I ask him.

He gave me a slight smirk. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked.

KENNY X READER - YANDERE / Lemon : Psycho.(COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now