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He stood up, and walked over to Kyle. He picked up a plastic shovel, and quickly hit Kyle with it.

"WAKE UP! BOTH OF YOU!" He screamed. Kyle and Stan looked at him, terrified.

"You think either of you is good enough for (Y/N)? I would have to strongly disagree. You know nothing about her. You don't know her favorite show. You don't know her blood type. You don't know the thoughts going through her head right now!"

Kyle tried to talk, but the duct tape muffled him. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kenny screamed. He hit Kyle on the side of his head with the shovel.

Kenny walked in front of Stan's chair, and gave him an evil smirk. "You think she would really want to go for a man like you? You aren't even competition. You don't love her. You don't love her at all, and you'll never love her more than I do. I'm sick of watching you think you're the man. You're nothing." Kenny walks over to Wendy, and snatches the knife from her. He makes his way back to Stan. Stan started screaming into the duct tape as Kenny was approaching him.

"I SAID 'SHUT THE FUCK UP'!" He yelled, slapping him across the face. "You think you're good enough for (Y/N) now?" Kenny asked, pointing the knife towards Stan. Stan shook his head, frantically. Kenny started to chuckle. "What? Now a little knife is scaring you? You're heart isn't big enough for (Y/N)." He started to cut Stan's chest open as he screamed for mercy. Kenny grabbed Stan's heart, and laughed. "Tiny, and pathetic."

Kenny then pierced the heart with the knife. After the heart was split in two, he started stabbing through Stan's chest repeatedly until he was done. Kyle and I both started screaming at Stan's corpse.

"WHY WON'T YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?" Kenny screamed at Kyle. Kenny dropped the knife, and picked up the plastic shovel and swung it at Kyle's face. The shovel broke in half, and Kenny started screaming in frustration.

Kyle's eyes began to become more puffy, and tears were streaming down his face. Kenny looked over to Craig, and pointed to the corner of the room. "Go get the whip." He instructed. Craig did as he was told, and brought it to him.

Kenny ripped the duct tape off of Kyle's lips, and Kyle let out a whimper. "Kill me." Kyle cried. Kenny just laughed. "Why would you want to die? We aren't going to kill you. At least we weren't planning on it."

"Please. I'm dehydrated, I'm starving, I lost four of my fingers. I can feel maggots crawling in my hands. I don't want to live anymore." Kyle pleaded.

"If we kill you, it's not going to be quick and painless." Kenny warned. Kyle just stared at him with watery eyes. Kenny continued. "This isn't about you. This is about (Y/N). She's my queen." Kenny pointed to me, and smiled. "Look at her. She's so beautiful." His face went from happy, to angry really quickly. "Where the fuck is her crown?" He yelled at Wendy. She crossed her arms, and just glared at him. "Go get the fucking crown, Wendy." Kenny told her, sternly. She walked out of the room, and came back. She placed the crown on top of my head, and Kenny started to smile at me.

"My, look at her. Don't you think we're perfect for each other?" He asked Kyle.

"I think you're out of her league. You're too good for her. You deserve a girl like Heidi." Kyle told him. Kenny whipped Kyle's face, and he let out a scream.

"Don't fucking talk about my queen like that!" Kenny screamed. He started whipping again back to back across Kyle's body. He kept whipping until Kyle's chair fell over.

"Give me the bucket and towel." Kenny ordered.

Craig set a bucket full of water next to Kenny, and Wendy grabbed him the towel. Kenny placed the towel over Kyle's face and started pouring water onto it.

"What do you think of that? Drowning? You want to die like that? Or would you rather keep living?" Kenny screamed at him. Kenny stopped pouring the water, and Kyle started screaming back. "KILL ME! KILL ME NOW!"

Kenny dumped the rest of the water on to Kyle, and stood up. Him and Craig lifted the chair up, and started carrying Kyle to the fish tank across the room. They dunked his head into the water, and let him drown.

They left his body in the tank. Kenny walked over to me, and rubbed my cheek with one hand. He smiled at me. "I love you." He whispered. I couldn't help but give him wide eyes.

"I promised you that I wouldn't hurt you. I'm going to keep that promise." He told me.

"Where are we?" I ask him.

"We're in my basement."

"This isn't your basement." I told him.

He laughed. "Not the basement of my house in South Park. Here, just stop asking questions. Come with me." He smiled.

Craig and Wendy held up pistols towards me. "If you try to escape, we WILL shoot you." Wendy warned.

Kenny glared at them. "Put those fucking things away." He ordered. They immediately set them down.

Kenny started to take the hand cuffs off my legs and wrists. He picked me up from the chair, and threw me over his shoulder. "A basement is no place for my queen." He whispered.

KENNY X READER - YANDERE / Lemon : Psycho.(COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now