chapter 2

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" Shit! What was that about?!" I hollered as we ran down the road.  " looked to me you got yourself in a right  bit  of trouble princess!" He yelled back.  That made me stop. I dug  my heels in as he tried to usher me forward but it was to no avail.  It was as he came closer to me,  his amber eyes pleading with me that I was able to get a good look at his features. " please princess" he pleaded" there's a place up ahead where we can seek refuge  for the night away from that grog but you have to follow me. " Out of the corner of my eye I could see Henry gaining on us growing bigger and more muscled as he did so.  " You took my dinner!" He bellowed... I was in no mood to spend the night with a complete stranger but let's face it,  it was that or become dinner.  So I let the stranger pull  me until we came upon a small inn. At the front desk there was a friendly looking middle aged woman smiling at us " May  I help you?" She chirped. " Yes" he responded "The missus and I need two rooms if you please." She nodded in response as her brow furrowed " I'm sorry dears, the only room we have left in the entire place is our  honeymoon suite. We're entirely booked otherwise. " she looked sympathetically from me to him,  he returned her look with one of  focus before slapping money on the counter.  " we'll take it. "I noticed what he placed on the counter wasn't currency  that wasn't familiar to me. " Lovely! And a name please?" She asked. " Allistair... Allistair Crane." He responded " Lovely well right this way Mr and erm.. Mrs. Crane" his gaze seemed steel locked on me as she led us to the suite, let me tell you it was the most awful thing I had seen in my entire life, gawdy  red and pink everywhere, rose petals on the floor, Cupid statues littered it as well as the mirror on the ceiling. Hey at least it was a working shower though. I popped into the shower just long enough to wash Henry off of me.  God he smelled like shit I thought to myself as I went to pat dry. At that moment I had forgotten Allistair  was even there and went to go get my clothes in not but a towel. " Um princess?" At this i started as not only was he there on the bed but his face was flushed bright red. Immediately I ran back into the bathroom. I pulled out  the least sexiest pajamas I could find perfect, I'll wear spongebob. Nobody ever gets murdered in spongebob pajamas i thought to myself as I hopped up on the bed. " Did you enjoy your shower princess?" He offered, trying but failing to strike up conversation "Yeah I did." I was contentedly staring at the wall before I decided to speak again " I want to thank you for stopping that man at the bar" he looked at me for a minute in contemplation before speaking again.
" That grog? You must've had no way of knowing princess. You are most welcome though." He smiled. " Another thing. I think it's time that introductions were in order since I know your name but you don't know mine" I stated " I am Issabel, but you may call me Issa. How do you do?" I held out my hand for a handshake but he just raised an eyebrow at me " Issa" he seemed to be almost hissing when he said my name, but yet at the same time it sounded melodic, foreign even. I couldn't help for a moment but be entranced by it. I soon nestled  myself into the bed not really caring if Allistair shared the bed or not I was tired as f*ck.

Hello my lovely readers!
Hey guys. So I want to point out the big elephant in the room. I know there are probably a few of you that are gonna point out that Issa's  name is spelled wrong. It's actually very much intentionally done that way. You guys will probably find out later as to why.

As always lovely readers, please vote, share and comment. I look forward to hearing from you guys !

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