Chapter 8

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"So when can I go home?"
"That depends on your cooperation"
Cooperation with what? Or right. The 'magic' that I was supposedly born with. The magic that I was supposed to control. To be able to use with ease and be ok with it. I guess I'll have to fake it till I make it. That is if I want to go home, My momma needs me.
"How am I supposed to control the magic if I don't even know what to look for."
"Your not looking for anything. It's a feeling of power. Of seniority. To be in control. Just don't think. If you think everything will be over powered and it will be bad for everyone here.
"You can do this my daughter. You know how to go at the basics. Just focus on what you know. They're there in your memories. Just trust yourself."
He makes it sound so easy. To just look into myself and find the memories. But I need to get home. I look down into 'my memories' but all I feel is pain. I clutch my head in my hands as voices start to feel my head. Falling to the ground I start screaming, but I can't hear it. All I can hear is the voices.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING!" I scream. I look up at my father who had a smirk on his face.
"WHAT'S THE FUCKING SMIRK FOR MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!!!" Next thing I know my phone is being thrown at my face with my head phones attached. But it wasn't my phone at all. The case was different but similar. Scrunching my nose in confusion I look up at my father.
"When music was invented you took it as a mechanism to block out all the noise. Not all but you seemed to be content with how it worked."
Nodding my head I pick up the phone and put the earbuds in. The phone doesn't have a passcode but it seemed to be set up like my phone but with a few modifications. I click on to iTunes and scroll through the songs. They're all the same as my phone. Clicking on the loudest song I could find, I turn the sound up all the way up. As soon as the song started the voices started to dial down. I could still hear a few as if they were screaming over the music to get my attention. But the music seemed to over power them. It was such a relief that I smiled and started laughing. I stood up and looked at my father. "This is better. But how will I be able to hear anything it's all so loud.?" I say hoping that I'm whispering.
"Don't worry about it. Your vampire side will have no trouble hearing. But be careful. Having the music up that loud can hurt your human ears." And he was right. I had no problem hearing him, it was a weird feeling. I've never been able to do that before.
" how come I've never been able to do any of this before. Because as far as I can tell that liquid you gave me just gave me back memories I can't understand or see clearly."
"The potion I gave you, gave you back your memories and it unlocked your powers. I personally put a spell on you locking your halves until you were ready. You yourself unlocked the animal in you when you broke Demetri's arm. When you felt the power run through you that was the animal inside you clawing it's way out."
"So that's why I didn't feel different till now. It's why when I met Demetri he didn't seem like anything other than a new student when Now when I see him he's different. And so are you. When I first met you when I first arrived I thought you were some crazy man, but now I feel power radiating off of you."
"That's correct. And I'm not the one radiating power here. That you. It's strong. Stronger than you are now. So we need to control it. I want you to stand, feet shoulder length apart, and reach deep inside you mind. Find the light inside you and grab onto it. Pull it from inside you and guide it to your hands and release it."
Closing my eyes I stand like he told me to. Blocking out the music and the voices in my head and look deep inside me for the light. Suddenly my stomach became warm. And that's when I knew I found it. Mentally visualizing myself inside my cold and black body I guide myself to the light. But it's a flame. A black flame. But I don't stray from my purpose. I grab the flame and guide it through my arms and hold it in my hands.
"Release it my daughter. Feel the power run through your fingers"
And I do. I release the heat of the black flame and open my eyes. A mist like substance float around my hands like it was scared to venture out into the world without my guidance. Giving it permission I loosen my muscles in my hands in it starts to move away. Getting an idea I lift my hands up and let them flow down like a wave. Moving them side to side and twisting my fingers as my wrist. The mist follows my movement. And dances around me and falls to the ground and disappearing like snow falling to the ground and melting. A small smile appears on my face as a cough echoes through the room. I snap my head to the source and I feel the flame go back to the fit of my stomach. At the entrance was the one person I've been longing for since I came here. The one person the I wanted to hit and scream at the most but the one person I wanted to kiss till our lips were numb.


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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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