Cato: Until She Got Reaped

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Chapter Ten.

Cato's POV.

"If we were Back in District Two." I know, what I said hurts. But hell, I know it was true. If we were back in District Two. If you didn't get reaped. If I didn't have to volunteer to keep you safe and alive, even if it means, sacrificing my own life, I gladly would.

My mind goes drifting back that Reaping day.

I saw Clove standing in the 17 year old section of the female tributes. Even if her name gets reaped – no! it wouldn't happen! She won't get picked – A lot of 18 year olds would volunteer in her place. Just in case. But no, I won't let her get picked.

Then, our District's escort – Uhm, What's her name? I really don't pay attention to her – says in her fluffy capitol accent, "As usual, Ladies first."

She puts her hand in the almost overflowing glass bowl that contains the names. She pulls out a paper, comes near the microphone and says out load, "Clove Barett!"

Clove Barett? NO! This can't be happening! Why isn't anybody volunteering? Why isn't anybody objecting! Why Now? Why?

I was so lost in my thoughts, I just saw Clove climb up the stage. Somebody fucking volunteer now! I want to scream it in their faces!Just fucking volunteer now! Then, I heard our escort say, "And now, The Boys."

She pulled out a paper, then when she was about to read the name, I scream on top of my lungs. "I VOLUNTEER!" I scream, "I VOLUNTEER!" I repeat.

Then, She stared at me, Dazzled probably, "Well, Come up here on the stage please" Then some Peace keepers was about to take me to the stage. But I screamed in their faces "Let go of me! I'll go up MYSELF! LET ME GO!" Then, they let me go.

"Well. Tell us your name, please."

"Cato. Cato Hayes." I say. With such arrogance and confidence, I hear Clove's voice in my head. So much confidence. She would say to me.

Well. They ask us to shake hands and so we do. Then they took us to the Justice Building so people could say their goodbyes. Usually I would say this is Pathetic, But if I am gonna get Clove out of that arena alive, they might as well say goodbye to me now.

The people who came to say goodbye to me was my few friends from the Training Centre. Then, they collected us and showed us our train. They say we wouldn't be leaving for the next.. 2 hours? Well. At least we were free to roam around the train. And eat delicious food. And hang out with Clove, maybe?

I roam around the train then I saw her. Clove, my Clove. I was about to go to her when I stopped myself. What the hell am I gonna say to her? I can't tell her that it's gonna be alright! No, we both know it'll be ugly in the arena. What if she asks why I volunteered? I know she's mad at me. I know that. But I gathered all my wits and went right next to her.

"Nice view isn't it?" I start.

She looked startled, "Huh? Oh, yeah"

She didn't even look at me.

"Why, Cato?"


She smirked, "Don't play dumb. Why did you do it?"

The words are choking me. If I tell her the truth, She'd kill me. Literally.

"You Promised Me, Cato." Then I looked at her and I tear went down her cheek. "You promised me, that you wouldn't volunteer! You Promised Cato!" then she sat on the floor and started crying,

I felt a pang of guilt stab through my body. I know that I promised her. But.. this is different. I kneeled beside her, hugged her then I said, "I know I promised you Clove. But – " I need to tell her, "You're my best friend, and I want you to come back alive in District 2" then, She sobbed harder.

So, I need to tell you, Clove and I first knew each other at the age of 9. At District 2, Children start training at the young age of 9. So if ever they get reaped, they're prepared to kill and be vicious.

*deeper flashback*

THUG! THUG! THUG! I roamed around the Training Centre to look where that sound was coming from. Then I saw I girl, she was about my age through a little small, throwing knives at dummies. THUG! Wow is the only word I can think of. She's really good with a set of knives. When she stopped, I said "Well, what are you doing here?"

I was so impressed I didn't see she had a personal knife tied to her belt. Well, surprising her isn't a good idea, "whoa, there, no need to stab me, little girl" Her stare was cold and scary.

"What do you want from me?" She hissed "Did you follow me here?"

"Wha—No!" I exclaim, "I just went here cause my first training session earlier was sooo—boring. So I sneaked in! geez" She lowered her knife and said "Oh."

I smiled then said "You know you could really kill someone with those?"

She smirked, "I know. Maybe because that's what we're training for anyway right? To kill?" Then she laughed. I laughed as well.

"You're really good."

"Thanks." She said. "Oh, and I'm sorry. It's just.. No one really talks to me and well, I was scared, I guess." She said then smiled at me.

"Oh, it's ok. I'm Cato, by the way. Cato Hayes. " then I offered her my hand.

"Clove. Clove Barett." Then she shook my hand.

"So, is it your first year in training Clove?"

"Yeah. You?"

"It's my first year too,"

* end of deep flashback *

And ever since that day, Clove and I became best friends. We know each other like the back of our own hands. And sometimes, our friendship is mistaken for a relationship. Ever since Clove and I met, I never talked to other kids our age. Just her. I felt so comfortable around her. I can be my total self around her. And so can she. Then I told her I want to go and volunteer for the games, around the age of 12? Then she got so mad at me and avoided me for a week! Then when we talked it out she asked me to promise that I wouldnever volunteer. Well, until she got reaped.


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