The Nearing End.

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Cato's POV.

After Katniss' canon was fired, only three of us are standing. The last three tributes of the 74th Hunger Games. Clove is still muffling her cries by burying her face in my chest. I know she feels guilty about this. I know she didn't want this. I know.. her too well. Considering that we grew up together. Bestfriends. There's nothing I can hide from her and vice versa. That's why I'm happy I fell for my bestfriend.

Clove stops crying and so does Peeta. I see him crying over beside Katniss' deformed body. I didn't want Clove to see cause I know she'll just be guilty again. So I just hugged her so she won't see and so I could protect her if Peeta decides to throw that knife.

When Peeta sees me, we stood up and he wiped his tears away. He looked at me straight in the eye and I feel sympathy towards him. What if I was in his situation? What would I do if that was Clove there? Well, I didn't want to know. After all, I almost lost her. I'll never allow that to happen again.

I didn't pull away from the gaze, I looked at him and I said, "I'm Sorry." He cried some more and said, "Well, You could go home now," He said bitterly, "You and Clove" he looked at the ground and I know he was crying again. "I wouldn't survive without Katniss anyway." He said, "Peeta – " Then He grabbed his knife, looked at me and Clove, this time, looked at him too. He said "well, Good luck to the two of you." Then he gave us a smile and slit his throat.

Blood splashed all around and Peeta fell down on his knees. Peeta immediately dies after that and his canon fires. Clove again buries her face in my chest and started to cry again. Her voice was barely understandable but, of course I understand. Go figure.

"Cato..I, I, I," she says,

"Shh, it's ok. Were going to be okay." I say. Stroking her hair so lightly, her body softens. I smiled. "we're gonna go home,now." I say.

She pulls away, head down and wipes her tears and looks at me, with puffy, red eyes. "Yeah, We're going home!" she exclaims a bit loud and happy, but of course, she's guilty.

I kiss her gently and she kisses me back. Than she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms at her waist. We stopped when Claudius Templesmith's voice boomed over the arena, "Well, well," He said chuckling lightly, "I'm sorry to interrupt you two,but," He laughs and I feel my cheeks burn bright red, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to Present you, The Victors of the 74th Annual Hunger Games," I held Clove's hand and raised it for the effect, "Cato Hayes and Clove Barett, The Tributes from District Two and this years, Victors!" He turns on the live speaker and we were shocked by the roaring of the crowd. It was absolutely overwhelming. And I Look at Clove and Hug her Tightly. Then a hovercraft appeared above us and lifted is up into the air. This is it! I thought, the end of our nightmares!

When we reached the inside of the hovercraft, we were congratulated by Brutus and Enobaria, our mentors, then our prep team and before I knew it, Clove and I were yanked from each other's arms cause they said they need to do this, do that, blah blah blah.

My prep team as blabbering about how they knew something was up with me and Clove from the start, etc etc, and I can't stop smiling like an idiot.

"We were best friends ever since we were 9. We stood up for each other and supported each other always and always trained together." I say, to our defense. Because they had to know that our 'love' is true and not just for the Games. The Games just helped us realized that.

They were making 'awww, how sweet' comments to what I said and I really can't stop feeling happy – about everything.

"Oh, so that's how it happened." Brutus says, scared the hell out of all of us. "Please, can I talk to him for a minute or two?" My prep team nods and they head quietly outside.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, I can't believe I lost a bet to Enobaria," he said and he patted my back.

"What?" I ask again, this time, I am so confused.

"When we were training you.. and Clove.. she said, 'Look at those two, one day, they'll be a couple' and I said, 'No. They'll just stay as bestfriends' Then she said, 'Wanna bet?' and I did. SO now , I lose"

I laughed at what he said. "Well, to be honest.." I say,


"I never thought I'd fall for my best friend either." I sighed, "But when she got reaped for the Games and no one volunteered, I just - I had to protect her."

He was surprised at what I just said, "Even if you knew, that it was gonna cost you, your own life?"

"Yep. I just had to do it."

"well," He said, Certainly he doesn't know how to react, "That's very surprising of you, Cato." Then he stood up and started to walk away, when he was close to the door, he shouted, "and Make sure you say that in front of the whole Panem, later." Then, he was gone.


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