t h i r t h y - t w o

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3rd pov

Jeongguk ran out of the car and went to his boyfriend. "Yoongi?!" He yelled when he kneeled down.

Yoongi had his hand on his ear, moaning in pain. He tried to open his eyes but all what he saw was blur. "It hurts!" He whined. Jeongguk took the smaller his hand and moved it away from his ear, no blood. "What hurts?"

"M-my ear!", Jeongguk was confused. "But you're not bleeding." He mumbled, stroking his hair to calm him down. "I know but the bullet went straight next to my ear and now it's peeping!" Yoongi was crying. "Hey, it's not that bad. It'll be gone in a few moments." He chuckled and moved his thumb over his cheeks, making the tears disappear. "It's not funny." Yoongi pouted.

Jeongguk smiled at the pale boy and tried to lift him up, but his movements were stopped when they heard a gunshot again. Yoongi looked around, but Jeongguk was blocking his view.

All of a sudden, Yoongi's boyfriend fell onto him. "Jeongguk!" He screamed and lay the taller on his back.

There was blood streaming out of his mouth and a pool of blood was starting to form around Jeongguk. Yoongi was crying. "No, Jeongguk!", he placed his hands on the wound on his back, trying to stop it but it didn't help.


I go to school now 😏

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