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Millie's pov

I woke of feeling the sun on my face, I started to think about what had happened yesterday and that's when I realized that it was all a dream, I never met Finn Wolfhard. But the dream felt so real. I tried to shake it off, so I decided that I should go to the bathroom and take a shower so that I could wake up and forget about my dream but when I was about to take a step from my bed I fell on the floor, I fell on Finn.

"what the hell?" Finn said while he was trying to wake up.

"oh, my god. It wasn't a dream." when I said that he yawned and sat up from the floor.

"where am I?" he asked until he realized where he was.

"My bedroom floor" I said and nodded.

"Your bedroom?" he said a little confused but I just nodded again.

"Right, god. You scared the hell out of me." he said and tried to open his eyes.

"Then we're even" I said and he just chuckled.

"Hi" he said smiling at me.

"hey" I said an we both chuckled.

"do you think your parents are awake yet?" he asked.

"definitely" I answered.

I took my  clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed. After that I went to my parents to distract them so that Finn could go out of my house unnoticed. When I walked into the kitchen I saw my mom and dad talking on the phone like usual. I said hey but they both ignored me like always, I tried again and said good morning this time but they still ignored me which pissed me off.

"HELLO" I yelled and they both snapped their head to my direction.

"What are you guys doing today?" I asked my parents but they had started talking on their phone again.

"Really? when was the last time we had a real conversation? Or had meals together, or talked about anything other than what we had to do that day? I mean, when was the last time that I saw you without your phone glued to your hand?" I snapped at them

"It's just work, you know this." My mom told me.
"In like six months, I am gone. I leave for collage. And who knows how much we'll see each other after that. So we can decide what's important. Just think about it okay?" I told them and left the house feeling a little guilty but at the same time happy that I finally had told them how I really feel. I got out of my house and saw that Finn was waiting for me outside my door.

"That was awesome." Finn said.

"I'm horrible" I told him.

"No, your not. You told them the truth. It was inspiring." He said trying to make me feel better with a smile.

"I've never spoke to them like that before." I told Finn.

"I mean, was it for distraction, or did you mean it?" He asked me.


"Okay, so you have nothing to worry about."

"let's not waste time and get you the airport" I said to him but he just looked at me and then looked down.

"yeah about that, my show isn't till tomorrow night. So I technically don't have to fly out today." he told me with a huge smile. And I started to smile myself.

"So what, you just want to stay here?" I asked him. Hoping he would say yes.

"well, I mean, I didn't plan all of this. It's just I actually kind of like it. It's like a little vacation." he said.

"hanging out at a bowling alley and sleeping on my floor?" I asked him and he just nodded.

"This is the most normal I've felt in years. So what do you say? got any plans?" He asked me still looking happy.

"me? uh, not really" I told him, I was a little shook that he still wanted to hang out with me.

"well, then, do you want to hang out?" he asked me.

"sure" I said and we both smiled and walked to a shop and he got new clothes since he only had the clothes he had on him and he had slept with them on, after that we went to a restaurant so that we both could eat breakfast together and he wanted to pay for m but I insisted bute he won at the end and got to pay for my breakfast. he told his mom that he was still here and that she shouldn't be worrying about him and she didn't take it very well but he didn't seem to care.

"Okay, favorite color, is it A) blue B) green, or C) orange." I asked him, he was taking a quiz about himself.

"I guess A) blue" he answered.

"Sorry. The correct answer is C) orange. like a sunset" I told him and laughing at the last part.

"Like a sunset?" he asked me and I nodded in response.

"I don't know where they get this stuff from" Finn said trying not to laugh.

"Well, if Finn Wolfhard is one thing, it's romantic" I read the article out loud for him.

"yeah, next"

"the final question is, what is Finn Wolfhards favorite movie? is it A) The Avengers B) Maze runner or C) oh, The Notebook" I asked him as we both chuckled.

"um, I'm gonna have to go with D) none of the above." He answered.

"Sorry that not an option, try again" I told him.

"Please tell me it's not C" He asked.

"I can't do that" I said and we both started laughing.


"So according to the Finn Wolfhard compatibility quiz, you are...'strangers in the night' you have nothing in common" I read the answer of the quiz he took.

"is that what it says?" he asked me.


I looked behind him and saw that there were girls from my school that came into the restaurant and he saw that I was looking behind him so he turned around and I told him to get under the table as fast as possible and he did as I told him but he made a lot of  noise so the girls saw me and went to my direction and that's when I saw who it was, it was Maddie.

"what is your problem?" Maddie asked me annoyed.

"Nothing" I simple told her.

"Really? then can you stop staring at me and my friends with your judgy look all over your face?" she snapped at me.

"Don't flatter yourself. What are you doing here, Maddie?" I asked her.

"You don't own the place, Millie" she answered.

"Well, no. But I didn't think you came here anymore."

"Why wouldn't I come here. It's adorable."

"I don't know, It's not a popular place to hang out. There's no one to show off to. thought that's all that matters to you."

"wow. You are pathetic, Millie. Sitting there, thinking that you are so much better than everyone else."

"Well, at least I don't pretend to be someone I'm not."

"Oh, well at least  people know I actually  exist." she snapped back.

"God, do you really think you are gonna just go to New York and be this best, great artist? 'cause that's hilarious, hilarious because you're a nobody and you will be a nobody no matter where you go. So I'm gonna come here whenever I want, and if you don't like that, how about you go find somewhere else to judge people from" She snapped and that really hurt me but I wouldn't let her know that so I just kept my poker face on.

"okay" was all I said, I just wanted her to leave me alone already.

"yeah. Lot of calories on that table, Millie. Lot of calories" she said pointing at my and Finn's food and then walked away.

Words: 1329


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