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Wassup nah dudes. Does anyone know why food and good are both spelled the same why but do not rhyme? That's a legitimate question if anyone knows lmk !!
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The sound of a cell door opening brought Connor back to reality. He looked up to see who his new visitor was. It didn't take a genius to recognize who the guy was. He was the alpha, more specifically, Brooklynn's father.

And for the billionth time today, a fist collided with his jaw.

"That's for stealing my daughter, asshole." The guy spoke with clenched teeth. Connor peered up at the man, observing his appearance.

He didn't share the same tanned skin as Brook, in fact he was rather pale. His hair was blonde, unlike his brunette daughter. The only similarity that they really shared was the forest green eyes-That's how he knew he was her father.

"So tell me," The guy snarled. "Where's my daughter?" Connor was being pulled forward by the collar of his shirt, even though chains were holding him back. They pierced into his skin, the silver burning him like hot coals.

Connor managed to mask his pain with a bored expression. He refused to give these assholes the satisfaction of seeing him in pain.

"Not here." Connor replied, calmly. His relaxed demeanor was pissing the guy off. "Now before you start grilling me with questions and sticking silver under my fingernails, what's your name?" This managed to make the already angry alpha, angrier.

"It's George." The man, George, said. The way he looked at Connor reminded him of the way someone would look at a rat; disgusted. He had every right to be disgusted, Connor wasn't blaming him. "Now tell me where my fucking daughter is."

"Your daughter has a name. I'd suggest you'd use it." Connor knew that he was in no situation to be making demands, but he would not stand anybody disrespecting Brooklynn. "And she's somewhere safe, far away from here." Connor let a smile slip through-It was the kind of smile that one would see in a movie about a creepy clown killing kids.

His teeth were covered in blood, along with his lips which were split open and cracked.

Not an inch of Connor's face was left clean. The two black eyes, which were now swollen beyond belief made him look like he was wearing goggles. And countless burns from silver creeped down his neck and onto his chest.

He was wondering how long it would be before they started filling his blood with wolfsbane. He wondered how they planned on killing him-Cutting off his head or burning him to death. Either way, he'd accepted it because Brooklynn was safe.

Or so he thought.

"Tell. Me. Where. She. IS!" George screamed, slamming his fist into Connor's nose. Blood rushed down his face, filling his mouth and spilling onto his pants.

Connor spit the blood out of his mouth, before he glared up at George. He lurched forward in his chair as far as he could, ignoring the chains that burned through his skin.

"I'd die before I told you were she was. You treat her like a pawn in your fucked up game, and she's more than that. She doesn't want to be the alpha of this pathetic pack, and she never will. She belongs in a pack that doesn't treat her like an object, and your pack can't provide that." Connor leaned back in his chair, feeling rather unbothered. "Besides, I marked her."

"You what?!" George yelled, looking as if he'd just shit a Twinkie.

"I marked her which means that all of the pain that you're putting me through, she can feel. She feels the punches and the bullets and the burns-All of it. I thought that you would be smart and realize that if you kill me, you kill her. You're killing your daughter." Connor hid the guilt that he was feeling, along with George, they'd just realized the pain that Brook was feeling.

It nearly brought tears to Connor's eyes to imagine Brooklynn crying out for help-Crying out for Connor. But he shoved his emotions away, refusing to show any signs of weakness.

George however was able to convince himself that he didn't care about Brooklynn dying. The words that came out of his mouth stunned Connor. They made him wonder if George was more of a monster than he was.

"We all must make sacrifices."

Brooklynn's POV

A war was raging on, in both Brooklynn and against the packs.

Once word had broken out that their alpha had been kidnapped, it was over for Brooklynn's old pack.

The Crescent River pack stood no chance against the Darkclaw.

Except for Brooklynn-Conflicted and guilty. That pack was her family, but so was this one. There were pups in her old pack who would suffer because of this war, and there were pups in this pack that would suffer.

In the end, both of their packs would suffer tremendous losses.

Brook didn't know if she was ready to be the reason for all of this. She didn't know if she was ready to have the blood on her hands.

She stared at the pack, who as a whole had gathered here for the orders that Brooklynn herself would be giving.

She felt a presence next to her, looking over to see Naomi. It was weird to see Naomi with no arm, but it was even weirder to see that she was still smiling.

"Don't worry, I'm with you."

And then Brook looked to her other side to see Fiona, arms crossed and looking scary as hell.

"Make them listen," Fiona smiled. Two people who Brook trusted more than anyone, stood next to her in support.

And then she looked at the pack who stood in front of her, impatiently waiting to hear the outcome of this all. She'd spotted a group of the teens that she trained, chatting amongst each other.

She caught the eye of Kai and Theo, who both bowed their heads. Those two were always together, along with Emilia and Nevaeh. That group seemed as if they were conjoined at birth.

Bringing her attention back to the rest of the pack, Brook had finally made a decision. She was going to sacrifice her old pack.

"Listen up!" She shouted, her voice expanding through the room that they were all crowding in. The wild chatter that once filled the room, stopped. "I'm sure every single one of you here have heard the news-Alpha Connor is in the custody of the Crescent River pack, and is scheduled to be executed today."

The crowd broke into even more chatter than there was before, each person sharing a shocked face with one and another.

Brooklynn was losing her patience. She knew that every second they wasted was more time lost in saving Connor.

"Shut the hell up!" A loud voice rang throughout the mess hall. Brook glanced in the crowd to see Kai, who offered her a reassuring nod. She smiled at him, silently thanking him.

Everyone had fallen quiet in a matter of seconds and returned their attention back to their Luna.

"Thank you," She mumbled. "We don't have very much time to save him, and since the attack that happened a month ago, their security has become increasingly difficult to get past." She continued to speak, unveiling the plan.

But as she spoke, she didn't know that there was a spy in this pack. A spy that would be the death of many pack members.

And it was a spy that even Brooklynn herself would never have guessed.

Poor Brooklynn, she just can't get a break. Anyways, shorter chapter I know. The next one will definitely be longer and not a filler chapter.
Leave some feedback mah dudes

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