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                  ~Ariana's Pov~

Good morning. It was a beatiful morning to wake up to. I sat up in my bed and got on my phone. I checked to see my sister texted me.

Mani♥️: Sisterrr
Ari😝: Whatt
Mani♥️: What you doin today?
Ari😝: Nothing, today's my day off why?
Mani♥️: Good, Josh wanna go to the mall
Ari😝: I mean it don't matter. Ill meet yall there.
Mani♥️: Ard bet.

I hopped out the bed, laid out my outfit and went into the bathroom. When im about to get in the shower, I pull my speaker out from under my sink, connect my phone and play some music while im in the shower so I wont be just washing my body in silence.

Once I get out the shower I go to my sink and brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I finished all of that stuff, I go to my vanity mirror and start getting ready for my day. Usually I put on a full face of make up if im like going to work or a special event but im just going to the mall, so im just gonna do a basic face because when I come home im going back to sleep.

After im done all my makeup, I touch up my hair and start putting my lotion and stuff on so I can smell bomb. Lol. After all that good stuff I start to actually put my clothes and shoes on and begin to walk to the door when i hear my phone ring.

Ari: Hello?
???: I know u
Ari: Excuse me?
???: I.....Know......You!
Ari: Idk who you are but if you EVER try to mess wit me I will kill u
???: Damn Ari chill its Josh
Ari: Josh?! Damn bruh u play to much!!
Josh: Girl hush up and hurry up and meet us. Taking for ever to come😂.
Ari: I couldve been in the car had yo ass not have pranked called me from some damn store phone i would be on my way.
Josh: Aww I didn't even think about that. Lol. But alright see you when you get here.
Ari: Ard.

As I pull up to the mall, I look for a parking spot, I see one, speed to it and then someone snatched it from me! Omfg was I pissed. Out of all days they choose to come to the mall they choose a saturday. Sometimes they blow the mess out of me but I still love them. After I find another parking spot I park, grab my purse, got out the car and locked it.

When I walked in the mall it was so many new stores that wasn't here before! Even a couple stores I have been begging they would put up. But I walked passed those stores and seen Josh and Mani standing near the water fountain.

Josh: Hey sis took you long enough!
Mani: Exactly like u take forever to do everything!
Ari: I told Josh i would've been here sooner had he not prank called me.
Josh: Shhh, she didnt kno!
Mani: Josh moe its always you!
Ari: Exactlyy! Josh you blow with that sometimes!
Josh: Yall better hush cause yall can get smacked!
Ari and Mani: SMACK WHO??
Ari: Psh Josh we in public dont start.
Mani: Exactly. But come on yall im trying to get to JcPenney cause they have a good sale going on.

After we were done arguing like little kids we started walking to the JcPenney cause Mani said they had a sale. Honestly, JcPenney is mainly good for buying fast gifts when you forgot to get one for someone, but I guess my sister likes the stuff there.

Once we leave the JcPenney, I told them that I wanted to go to PINK cause i needed a couple things.

Josh: Why do girls love PINK so much?
Ari: Cause
Josh: Uhm cause what?
Mani: Just cause. Stop asking questions and come on, or go to another store.
Josh: Nah, im just going to come cause my girl been saying she need some "PINK Slides".
Ari: Okay, I know which ones she want.

Bro! This why I hate coming to this PINK, its always the thots coming in and stealing the good shit! They be blowing me with that, like bitch get a damn job! Anyways, I was in the clothes section and I had founded this super cute PINK windbreaker. actually seen it on instagram but oh well. I looked for my size and they had it, I was dead on excited! But after i grabbed all the stuff I needed, I walked to Josh, helped him get the stuff his boo wanted and went to pay for it.

After all the shopping that we were doing I told Josh and Mani that I was gonna go to the food court and then home, so I gave them hugs and proceeded to walk to the food court. My eyes filled with joy once I had seen the chick-fil-a, the dunkin dounuts, omg I cant even name them all right now. I got like hella food and snacks so when I went home I wouldn't have to worry about getting hungry again.

                 *Author's Note*

-Tbh this was like a let me get some of the story out type chapter, better and jucier stuff coming soon.



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