A Pleasant Surprise (9)

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A/N: Heyo! Before we begin, I need to do a quick warning. It's not really a big problem, but there is a small part of abuse. Again, just warning. It shouldn't be a big concern but still. Anyways, enjoy chapter eight.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Mark asked intertwining his fingers.

You frantically thought to yourself. Fuck, how am I suppose to explain this to him? He is going pull the 'You slept with me' card. I bet he will! Your head tried to remember what you were reciting to yourself before you walked in to see Reyna there. But you couldn't recall what you were going to say. This only frustrated you even more. Mark saw you thinking and decided to break the surrounding silence.

"Don't hurt yourself." He slightly laughed.

You smiled lightly, but you were unamused.

"Mark..." You started.

"Y/n?" He mimicked you.

It's like ripping it off like a band-aid. Just get it over with!

"Evan asked me out yesterday!" You blurted out.

Mark's grin had disappeared, and was replaced with a shocked expression. You could see the gears turning in his mind. Coming to the conclusion that he must be thinking how to comprehend the matter. The quietness was almost suffocating. Smothering you which caused your body to tense up.

"Are you considering it?" He stared down at the floor.

"I-I don't know." You stuttered.

"Fine." Mark rebuked.

"Fine?" You questioned.

"Yeah fine! If yesterday meant nothing to you, go be with him!" He snapped.

There it is...

"I never said it meant noth-." You were cut off.

"Did you only want to do it because you think it's going to advance in my class without trying!?" He shouted.

"No." You quietly answered.

Mark didn't hear you.

"Well I have news for you honey. I put everything on the line just to have that one moment! You can get expelled! I can get fired!" He continued on his rage.


Mark seemed to be taken back by your tone.

"That is one of the reasons I am considering it. I have worked hard to get here, and I know you have too." You started.

Mark had seemed to calmed down for a quick second. Until something you said caught his attention.

"One of the reasons? What other reasons are there?" He angrily questioned.

You debated wether or not to tell him about your mutual feelings for Evan.

"No, no, no, no! I am not going to hear anything but the truth!" Mark's voice picked up.

"I have feelings for Evan! There! Are you happy!?" You snarled.

As soon as you said those words, his dark chocolate eyes seemed to have hurt in them. His head hung low like an anchor plunging into the ocean. You instantly regretted saying anything. Why do I always manage to screw things up with a sentence? You felt your face boil with heat.

"I'm sorry, Mar-" You were cut off.

"JUST! Just go." He pointed to the door.

A sharp pain struck you through you chest. It felt like your insides were melting away. Causing you the most unbearable pain you have only experienced once before. Instantaneously, you were brought back to those dark memories. Your eyes began to swell up with tears. Facing the door, you reached for the handle. Your hand hovered there for awhile.

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