Sweeter Than Sugar (Not a Chapter)

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A/N: Heyo! This week is a special week. I will tell you why. It's the first year I'm not alone on Valentines Day! Woo hoo! But anyways, yes I am posting twice this week. The chapter on Monday, then this side episode. Hope you guys enjoy it!


Valentines day. You have always wondered what's so great about it? Pretty much, the holiday is an excuse for couples to make out in public. Shouldn't that count as public indecency? You walked along a side street where there were tiny little side stores, while holding an umbrella. Including your favorite place to write or just take a break, "Kelly's Shop".

As soon as you set foot into the establishment, you were greeted not only by the familiar smell of coffee, baked goods, and books. But also a tall husky man sucking a pour woman's face dry. A different man from what you normally saw. Zane must have gotten a new employee.

"Excuse me?" You tapped on the glass counter.

"Look lady, it's Valentines day. Couples should be allowed to do whatever they wa-" The man paused. "You're not the old hag from earlier".

A faint voice of a woman hollered from behind a bookself.

"I heard that!"

"Anyways, how may I help you?" The guy spoke annoyed.

"Well I have two things. One, where is Zane? And two, who the hell are you?" You accidentally blurted.

"Okay well one, Zane is out some where. On a date I think. And two, my name is Dallas. I'm the new employee that Zane hired. Who are you?" Dallas asked.

"Y/n. Pleasure meeting you. Um, who's your friend there?" You continued to question.

"Bella? Oh, she's my girlfriend. We had been together for two months." He stated covering one side of his mouth.

You nod as if you cared.

"Right, anyways, can I get a Frappuccino with white chocolate and whipped cream, please?" You asked handing over the money necessary.

"I will deliver it to you as soon as it's done." Dallas said in a flat tone.

"Nice meeting you too." You sarcastically smiled.

Taking your normal seat in the couch that faced the window, you pulled out your laptop. Luckily, it was protected from the slight drizzle outside. You began to type away at the keyboard when you phone vibrates in your jacket pocket. Pulling it out and turning it on to see it was from Mark.

You and Mark had been dating for a year already. You moved in together not to long ago. So your stuff, that was in boxes, was scattered everywhere in his house. You open the chat to see a typed out message.

Baaaaabe! xx

I have a problem. xx

You chuckle to yourself.

We already knew that. xx

What's wrong? xx

I was trying to help you unpack, right? xx

Well, I got to your... undergarments... and I could't stop my mind from wondering. xx

So now you have a boner, and you need me to take care of it. xx

Am I right? xx

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