Chapter 3

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After lunch and conversations with our parents talking about how much they loved it, we headed up to our rooms to finish packing. Although I wasn't crying like my sister, I wasn't taking it well either. I felt helpless, I couldn't tell my close friends about it and it's incredibly frustrating that I'm being sent to some random camp that I didn't know existed until today.

Packing was a challenge for me, I never had to do it much. I packed some clothes, books, and other things I would need. After awhile my mom gently knocked on the door with my toothbrush in her hand.
"Thank you for taking it so well." She placed my toothbrush in a holder and stuck it in my bag. I just nodded and proceeded to fold my blanket. "You know," she said stepping closer "its not that bad, but just between you and I, it is weird that they want you two to come right now."
I looked up at her. She wrapped her arms around me and started to cry. After a moment or so she let go and looked at my bag.
"You know you can have more than one bag right?" She opened my closet and pulled out a big suitcase."Pack a lot of clothes and take your drawing things, you'll have enough free time." I nodded and she went out of the door. Maybe this will be a good thing, a fresh start even? I hate high school and I really only have a few friends. Having powers is also pretty badass, even if I don't know how to use them.
It felt like we had been in the car for hours. The roads that my mom was driving on, I'd never seen before. My sister calmed down and would tear up, but wouldn't actually cry. She was like that. She could cry over something for an hour, but once she'd cry so much she just couldn't cry anymore. Finally my mom pulled off of the road and drove between some trees, She eventually stopped and got out. My sister and I thought she had to pee or something, but we found out we were there after our mom opened the trunk. After we got our things we approached a large tree. 

My mom put out her hand and a door in the tree opened. My mom hurried us in and we started down steps. Once we made it to the bottom a girl greeted us and spoke with our Mom. My mom came over to us, we hugged her, and told her we loved her. The lady talked to us and told us that we would have to be separated. My sister started screaming. I'd never seen her like this before. She wasn't an angry person and I couldn't tell you last time she had ever screamed that loud. 
"All in one day! Are you kidding me? Not even my sister?" She latched on to my arm and I saw some guards start running our way. Were they going to tackle me?


When I woke up I was in a room with at least five beds and some girls, but I didn't want to bother them. I stood up to head for the door, but I fell. I considered just staying put on the cold floor and I was going too, but a boy appeared and helped me up. He put me onto the bed I just got up from.
"Are you allowed in here?" I asked him, assuming this was a room for girls.
"Yes actually, between certain hours, boys and girls can hangout in each other's rooms." He smiled and then looked at my leg. "Are you alright?" He pointed to my leg that was scraped up. "Wow, I guess not. I didn't even notice it, it must have happened when I fell a minute ago."

He got up from the bed and left the room. I got a little sad for a minute because I thought I was actually making a friend. Then he came back through the door with a wet washcloth and some bandages. "I'm James by the way." He said sitting back down at the foot of the bed. "I'm Liz and I'm very confused, so can you answer some questions?" He started to clean up my leg and looked up. He smiled and said "I've only been here a week, but I think I can answer them." He looked back down. "Well, I don't know why they separated my sister and I. Also, not to be rude, but why are you being so nice to me?" He smiled again but didn't look up "well, they usually separate people with different powers. They used to be all together, but I think there was a problem with people arguing and using their powers to fight. Also, I haven't seen anyone new yet. I literally watched them carry you in here." He finally finished bandaging up my leg. I probably could've cleaned up my own leg and bandaged it, but hey, I was tired. 

"What do we even do here?"
He explained to me that we just do whatever we want except for when we train. Typically we train alone with one trainer. They usually just assign us a trainer, unless one of them picks you specifically because they see something in you or whatever. It's usually every other day and they'll call you out at random times to do it. James seemed really nice, I'm shocked that someone even spoke to me after I was carried In unconscious. Maybe I'll like it here, I've already made a friend, a cute one at that. 

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