Relative Chaos

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(At the home, we see the siblings packing bags)

April-So you guys are gonna be staying with your family for four whole days?

Leo-Yeah, our mom's family. Just us, our cousins Sakura, Kia, Akiko, and Akio, our aunt Gwen and her husband Atashi, their dog Akashi, their crane, Kappa, and sobo and sofu.


Mikey-Grandma and grandpa.


Donnie-And they have a store under their apartment. It's called the 'Cloud Dragon'.

Casey-What do they sell?

Raph-Japanese remedies, candles to ward off spirits, stuff like that.

April-Well, hope you guys have fun.

Karai-That's a little hard, we come from a big family and things get a bit crazy.

Mikey-Thirty cousins, you do the math.

April-Thirty cousins?!

Karai-Only during family reunions.

Tang-Shen-Come on kids! We gotta go!

Yoshi-Let's not keep the family waiting!

Leo-Bye guys.


(They get in the van, and they drive off)

(In the city)

Raph-Wow, the Cloud Dragon is looking nice.

(In the apartment)

Sobo-Toshi, you were supposed to put up the decorations!

Sofu-I was talking with the customers.

Sobo-You were gossiping with the customers.

Sofu-Was not... Did you know that Vito Felipe whitens his teeth?

Kappa-(flying with a bone in his beak) Too slow!

(We see Akashi chasing after him)

Sobo-Kappa, give Atashi back his bone!

Sakura-Akio! Did you use all my hair product again?!

Akio-You think that this kind of handsome comes natural?

Sakura-(grabs him and rubs his hair on her's)

Akio-Hey! Stop it!

Sakura-That's better.

Gwen-I love seeing my babies play so sweetly!

Atashi-(reading a book) Did you know that yokai often come around more than once?

Kia-Dad, stop doing professor stuff, it's summer. Also check out this leather jacket I bought at the thrift store. (Holds up leather jacket)

Atashi-Oh, this isn't for school, it's just for fun.

Kappa-Nerd alert!

Sobo-Atashi, set this casserole on the table. (Gives him the casserole)

Akiko-(bangs a gong) There, I got all of your attention... Has anyone seen my boots?

Sofu-Also, did you get your rooms set up for your cousins?


(They all start talking at once)

Akiko-(bangs gong and they all quiet down) Hey cousins!

(They all turn to see them)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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