Becoming a Ranger

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Out in Rice country Orochimaru sensed something he was in shock for a minute then he realized what he sensed.

"Kabuto go to the leaf take and take our new experiments and the dino zords with you. Bring me back the dino gems. The have been awaken. I need them its time" Orochimaru demanded.

"It shall be done my lord" Kabuto said.
As he gathered the things he needed and then used a teleportation seal to get to the leaf.

All four Genin finally star to wake up. Naruto is the first to sit up. When he sits up he notices that there back on training 7.

"What happened " Naruto said.

"Ill tell you what happen you in to a cave then took something that didn't belong to you. Now you put your self in danger" Kakashi said.

"What do you mean were in danger" Neji said as he was sitting up.

You all accessed the dino gems and there are people who are trying to get there hands on them" Kakashi said.

"What would they want them" Tenten asked.

"Those gems hold imaginable power" Kakashi said.

"What if we give them back to you to hide then they will be safe again" Lee asked.

That's not going to work. The gems have bonded to your dna. Giving you different abilitys and now its time for you to use them" Kakashi said.

"What do you mean" Naruto asked.

"Your going to fight me till we figure out your abilitys" Kakashi said.

Kakashi then threw a punch as Naruto. Naruto noticed that every thing started to slow down and that he could move at super speeds to dodge and attack.

"Okay Naruto your out come on Tenten your up" Kakashi says.

After a few min of fight Tenten is getting mad trying to find her ability. She just get sick of Kakashi toy with her she screams and knocks Kakashi back 10 feet with it.

"Okay so Naruto you have Super Speed and Tenten has the Ptera Scream. Okay Lee your up" Kakashi said.

Lee dodges punches and kicks for a few minutes then goes on the offensive and throws a punch at Kakashi and he misses and hits the m tree and shatters. Everyone is in shock when the tree is gone.

"Ok Neji that just leaves you" Kakashi said.

As Neji jumps to kick his sensei he realized he can fly. So fly super fast in to Kakashi making use the substitution jutsu to get out of the way.

"Very interesting ability's guys they well serve you well" Kakashi said.

"Serve us well for what" Lee asked.

"For becoming Power Rangers" Kakashi said.

"I have herd of that somewhere" Neji said.

"I'm sure you have because where ever there is evil a foot The Power Rangers are there to fight it" Kakashi said.

"Cool I'm in. It means I could be a hero like the fourth Hokage" Naruto said.

"If i can help people like Tsunade did I'm so in" Tenten said.

"I love a challenge" Lee said.

Neji thought for a moment the said" we a team we do it together" .

Kakashi smiled under his mask " well then you will be needing these" .

He opened a scroll and out popped a case with four objects in it.

"This are you Dino Mophers put your gem in them then say Dino Thunder power up". Kakashi said.

He the hands them each the own mopher. Okay guys give it a shot" Kakashi said.

"Dino Thunder power up Ha" they all said in unison In the blink of an eye, literally in Kakashi's case, the for of them had transformed into the red, blue,white and yellow rangers.

"Wow this is cool" Naruto said.

"I have never felt so strong" Neji said.

"Okay guys demorph by pressing the button on your morpher" Kakashi said.

All four did as they were told.
"Now press the button on the side it turns in to these bracelets. which now contained your morphers disguised as the bracelets and they'll act as your morphers when you need them. You can use these to communicate with me and with each other using them."

"Sounds cool" Naruto said.

"That maybe but power rangers have a set of rules you need to follow. You can use your power for personal gain. The powers were meant to protect the village your self and your precious people. And you must always wear your color" Kakashi said.

"What do you mean wear your color" Neji asked.

"If you take pride in being a ranger then you will wear you ranger colors in you normal clothes. So you guys mit want to do some shopping" Kakashi said.

"So no more green spandex for you Lee" Tenten cheered.

Lee hung his head. Naruto turn to him. "I think you will do well in blue Lee" Naruto said.

"Well are day is done guys go home rest up and may the power protect you" Kakashi said as flickered away.

"Well guys that was a weird day so let's celebrate are first day as genin and be coming a Power Ranger" Naruto said.

"I'm in "Tenten said.

"I am free today" Lee said.

"Lets go then" Neji said.

As the made their way to the BBQ joint. Neji noticed Naruto and Tenten's closeness.

"So whats with you too are you dating or something" Neji asked.

Both Naruto and Tenten blushed bright red.

"Were not dating yet but I like Tenten" Naruto said.

"You really like me why" Tenten asked.

"Well your pretty ,your kind and you try to get stronger. Your not like the other girls who don't care who people are you nice to everyone and you have always treated me very good in school and not many of the guys did" Naruto said.

Tenten turned a brighter color of red" thank you Naruto that's very sweet of you" as she kissed him on the cheek.

"You two well make a very youthful couple" Lee said.

"Fate as brought you two together" Neji smiled.

Just as they were finish up there food. They got a call for Kakashi on there bracelets.

"Come in Kakashi sensei" Naruto said.

"Rangers your needed down at the west side gate there are monsters and your zords running a muk over here" Kakashi said.

They had just finished paying and went down an alley.

"Ready guys lets do" Naruto said.

"Dino Thunder Power Up Ha" they all yelled.

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