Chapter 12

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Kara looked ta the women and her eyes started turned a dark shade of red...One that not most people saw Kara in.

Kara looked at her target and shot the lazer straight at her and as she fired astra made sure to use her lazer too.

"oh please can't these people come up with new tricks." Nan said looking at the two.

Nan looked at Barry with envy.

"You are mine little one." Nan said and tried to attack Barry by flying straight  to him causing them to launch them through the wall.

"I guess I got Ezra and Monel." Lily said getting excited.

"Monel she knows our weaknesses." Ezra said getting frightened.

"Not all" monel replied and took the ring off and launched at lily.

"Wow!" She screamed as she bounces him off of her.

Kara soon stopped  lazering at astra and ice breathed the lazer that Astra shot at her.

"Oh please tell me you can fight better than that." Astra said .

Kara ran towards her and used her super strength and punched Astra causing her to hit against the wall.

"Trust me I have more than that." Kara said

Barry then vibed through the wall and ran toward killer frost and took killer frost and threw her at Nan who was still getting up.

Killer frost shot a huge ice sword through Nan.

When she landed and looked at what happened to nan she saw him crush the ice in his hand.

"You have more ice." Nan mocked.

"Not for you." Killer frost replied.

Barry looked at them and just started running in circles around  Nan.

"The little dog trying to catch his tail." Nan mocked.

Barry then increased his speed and Nan felt like the air was being pulled away from his body causing him to pass out.

Barry then stopped running and then looked at killer frost and nodded and killer frost then froze Nan to make sure he does not escape.

"That should keep you. Barry said getting excited.

He then turned his back to help kart when someone tapped on his back.

He turned around and saw Nan.

" can't I get a break." He said before nan punched him causing him to hover over everyone.

Lily looked up and saw Barry flying over them.

"Now look if flash can't survive what makes you think you can face me." Lily said to monel

Monel then took ezras neck and threw her at lily and Ezra slightly touched her neck and landed on the floor in a steady position.

"What was that supposed to do?" Lily said starting to laugh.

Monel had a smirk on his face and then pulled out a remote and pushed the button causing lily to colapse.

Kara looked at lily on the ground and then up at astra.

"You daughter has already lost." Kara said pointing towards lily.

She then flew into astra and punches her in her gut and then stood up straight.

"I am Kara Zorel I am the protector of earth." Kara said

"Let's see how long the protector can survive." Astra said attacking her.

Barry then got up and looked at the Battle field monel and Ezra saw him stand up they the walked straight towards them.

"How are we going to get him down?" Monel asked.

"We need to strike and harder than ever." Barry said

The two nodded they then ran straight to Nan and surrounded him.

"3 against one...let us see who will win..." Nan said with a smirk on his face.

Barry looked at them and they all nodded; Ezra took out a huge cannon gun and shot it at Nan.

While she did that monel shot lazers out of his eyes and Barry collected energy and shot a lightning bolt at Nan.

It created a huge blast and once the smoke cleared out they saw nan and Astra was collapsed on the ground and Kara was sort of losing her balance.

Lily and her parent were put in a van and we're driven off to star labs. The team stayed there to search for clues to find reign.

Kara started gaining her balance and help her friends search for information.

They have been looking for three hours and still found nothing.

"There has to be something here." Kara said sitting on a piece of rock.

"We'll find something Kara...don't worry about it to much." Barry said trying to make sure she would stay calm.

"Well at least we have three idiots." Killer frost said.

"We can't just give up" Ezra said

"We are not just giving up...We can find something. " Barry said helping Kara stand up straight.

"There should be an orb." Monel said confidentially.

"What orb?  Ezra asked.

"It's something that kryptonians use to keep information." Monel said.

"My orb is not an orb it's a hologram of my mom." Kara said to monel.

"Well then there should be a cloaked device somewhere here." Monel said looking around.

They all looked around and started searching for a round object.

"What does it look like" killer frost asked.

"It should have a small green crystal somewhere in it." Kara said looking up to make sure everyone heard her.

"I think I see something." Barry screamed out and everyone rushed towards him.

There were two rocks close together and there was a green light sticking out and there was a huge arch against where they needed to pick up.

"We can still get" Barry said

"You mean you can get it" killer frost said looking down at Barry who was looking at the arch.

"Vibe?" Barry said looking up and started smiling.

Barry looked back down at the arch and used his hand that was now vibrating faster than time.

He pushed his hand into the arch and grabs the orb and pulls it out.

"Is this it? Barry asked Kara.

"Yes it definitely is." Kara said with a smile on his face.

Barry looked at them and started smiling.

"We might just win this thing" Barry said.


That is what I call a chapter...sorry for making the other chapter short but I wanted this chapter to start like this...and at least it is a long one.

We are not to close to the end.


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