Chapter 18

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"What if the rock isn't here?" Barry
asked why they all met up again.

"Well then we're gonna be in big trouble." Kara said

"What if we find the source of it instead?" Oliver asked.

"Like?" Cisco asked

"Something crash on earth yet?" Oliver asked

"Only dominators." Cisco said

''Maybe we can track the components the rock is made from." Oliver said

"We will still need at least a piece of the Rock." Kara said

"Or maybe the same soil the rock should have on it." Oliver said

"You are just Mr idea today aren't you." Felicity said.

''wow you have very little faith in me felicity." Oliver said making puppy eyes.

All of them giggled by this sight.

"My ship should have the soil on the base still." Kara said

"Where's your ship?" Sara asked

"It's in the base of the DEO." Alex said

"We get to see your ship?" Cisco asked getting excited.

"I guess so.'' Kara said with a smile.

"Let's go then." Barry said.

In the base

"Oh my god." Cisco said looking at the side of the ship.

"Oliver I'm gonna geek out for while." Felicity said staring at the ship.

"Knock yourself out...not literally." Oliver said

"So you guys time traveled but you geek out about a small ship." Mic said eating a burger and holding a cool drink in the other hand.

"Let us geek out in peace!" Cisco said

The two started talking and Cisco then saw the soil and took it and gave it to felicity.

"Run this through to check the materials and then we can track down what is being used." Cisco said

"Oh it's like I didn't know to do that." Felicity said sarcastically

After an hour

"There's a rock heading pass earth if you guys can land on it and ship off a piece of the huge rock we can use it to make a liquid to use on Samantha." Felicity said

"Okay suit up." Oliver said

"Okay team tech will be staying in this lab killer frost, Sara, mic, emra, johnn  and Ray can stay here in case of an emergency." Cisco said

"That leaves firestorm, green arrow, speedy, Barry  and supergirl to get the rock." Felicity said

"How are we gonna get there?" professor Barry asked.

"We can use the time ship." Sara suggested

"Let's go." Oliver said taking his bow and they all walked into the DEO

In the ship

''How far are we from the rock?" Kara asked

"10 minutes away." Sara said looking on the tablet

Ten minutes later they landed on the rock. They got out and they looked around.

"This looks fimiliar." Kara said

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