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I AM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. DON'T KILL ME! My parents confiscated my phone so I will be typing this on the computer... Let's start... 

 Imagine that Jin settled down some steak onto the table for dinner. You were sitting opposite Jin when he sat down to start eating. You were sick, and had no appetite to eat so you just stared at the food as Jin used the knife to cut the steak and placed some on his plate and yours. He picked up is fork and took a small piece and placed it in his mouth. You continued to stare at the food in front of you, not touching your utensils.

"Is there a problem with my cooking?" He asked, getting worried just by your expression. "Y/N-ah, you are sick so you need to eat! I know you don't really feel good, but trust me, babe! I put so much effort into the steak, hoping that you will eat it! You will be weak if you don't eat anything!" Jin continued, pouting lightly. 

Your heart melted when you heard that Jin put so much effort into making this steak. You sighed and picked up your fork reluctantly. Jin smiled when he saw you pierce the fork into the tender meat. "Tell me how it tastes like!" He asked, putting his fork onto his plate as he stared at you for an answer.

You pressed your lips into a thin line before opening your mouth to welcome the meat. Once the meat was in your mouth, you closed you mouth, placed the fork down and chewed on the meat slowly. It was soft and juicy, but the thing is, it was tasteless. 

You scrunched your nose at the meat on your plate and looked up at your boyfriend. "It is horrible?" He asked, his voice showed that he was hurt. 

You swallowed the meat down your throat and took a gulp of water before you speak. "I think it's my taste buds that are not working... Not your steak." 

Jin nodded and continued to eat his steak quietly. You looked at Jin who was not eating normally. Usually when he eats, he will start saying, "YYYAAHH!" or "WAAHHHHH" or whatnot. But this time, he was just not making a sound, he even pushed his food around.

"Are you okay?" You asked as you fumbled with the hem of your shirt. "Yeah, yeah... I am fine..." Jin replied in a quiet voice. 

You pouted as you're sure there was something wrong with Mr Worldwide Handsome. You picked up another piece of steak and put it in your mouth. "If it is tasteless for you, don't eat it." Jin said in a little harsh tone. 

"What is wrong with you? You are never like this!" You huffed as he was not telling you what was wrong. All he just did was keeping quiet. 

"There is nothing wrong with me... Just a little hurt." He said a little honestly. Just a little.

"Haha, you are so funny, Jin... You said there is nothing wrong with you and you said you are hurt? Tell me what is wrong!" You insisted. 

"Just... I put so much effort into this stupid steak but you can't taste it... I made sure it was just like you want it! But you just can't taste it..." He replied, his eyes getting teary. (Is it just me or the way I put it, it sounds like Jin is pregnant cause it sounds like he is having mood-swings... HAHA okay sorry...)

"Ahhhh..." You giggled. He frowned as he looked at you. "What's so funny?" He pouted, rubbing his teary eyes. 

"Well, even though I can't taste it, the steak does feel like it was cooked perfectly! It was soft and juicy, ALMOST just the way I want it. Don't put so much effort into this! It is not important!" You smiled as you walked over to your boyfriend and gently kissed his head.

"You are important! Your health is important, making the food you eat is important! You are so important to me, I want to give you the best thing! But because I chose this path of being an idol, I can't get for you everything you want! We can't even hold hands in public, we can't kiss in public, I can't post your pretty face on my social media! I am sorry, Y/N! I am usele-" Before Jin could finish his sentence, you shut him with a kiss on his lips. 

After about 1 minute, you broke the kiss and cup his face. "You are not useless! Getting together with you is my dream! I don't care about anything else as all I want is you. I will cherish you no matter what. You are very important to me as well. Without my sweet Mr Worldwide Handsome, I am nothing. I love you so much my heart hurts. You don't need to give me the best thing because I already got it. And it is you... You being with me is the best thing ever!" You smiled as you kissed his cheeks.

Jin's eyes were teary again as he looked into your eyes. "Why are you crying again. sweetheart?" You asked, wiping his tears with your right and left thumb. "They are happy tears, babe! I can't believe I have such a wonderful person with me no matter what. I love you so much as well! I will be with you no matter what." He smiled happily once you wiped away his tears. 

"You are making me feel weak, baby!" Jin said with a slight giggle. You hummed in response and hugged him tight.

I didn't expect this imagine to be like this, lmao. I still have the two recent Run episode (I think it was 32 and 33? All I remember that the second recent one was the Christmas edition...) I can't watch it because fucking Vapp in my phone. I will try to watch it via Youtube tomorrow. Jisoos this chapter has more than a 1000 words, lol... 


Goal: 50K reads and 2K votes by 31 December or 1st January. 

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