Adult hood

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So I'm just going to skip college so let's say she's like 24 and today is her last day of college

Adult hood
Alright I passed with all A's and I'm now recognized as a famous play actor and director.

I'm currently sitting in my room with my German shepherd puppy and the boxes full of books, pictures, soccer jersey's and gear, acting stuff, movies, and one glass box with a rose.

I know what your thinking but why it was the first rose Luke gave me it should have died already but it's still alive.

I start putting things into my truck. I grab my puppy and put him in the front seat. " we got a long ride Armstrong " I started heading to my dads place to say hi before I start going to Luke's.

I soon get to the familiar evergreen forest with the cabin in the middle. I unlock the door and see him on the couch. " hey " I say. I will never get used to seeing him.

I start to cry as he hugs me tight letting the unfamiliar feeling of wet tears fall from my face and to the floor " I missed you " I said " your so tall " he said " yea taller than Luke " I said. We talked for what felt like hours. My puppy was asleep on the couch " aww is this your little pup" " well technically it's Luke's and i's " I said

Luke's place
I opened my puppy's door and got out " there's my little Armstrong " he says picking up the dog " hey babe " he kisses my cheek " hey " I say going inside.

Me and Luke decided that after college I would live with him it's actually more convenient for me.

" I'm getting my stuff from the truck " " okay "

When I got done unpacking Luke and I went out to eat. When we get to the German restaurant I notice it's my favorite but very expensive " Luke you don't have to do this " trust me I do " he says as we walk in " hemmings " he says and the lady takes us to a private part of the restaurant and she pours us a glass of red wine " kann ich habe das beir stattdessen " I said in German and Luke looked shocked that I know German " ja na sicher " she said back getting me a draft beer " I didn't know you could speak German " he said " alright do you know what you would like " she said " ich möchte den Rouladen " " okay and for you sir "
" I will have what she has " he says back

I ate my food and when we were done we went walking in the park as we were walking Luke stopped us, he grabs both of my hands biting his lip." Leala I've never been good at speeches but these last few years have changed me so much, I find out new things about you everyday, you always find a way to astonish me. I remember the first day of high school I definitely wasn't ready for god to send me an angel. As soon as I wake up I check my phone hoping for a message from you, Leala you stole my heart and look at that your stealing my last name to " he says " oh Luke of course " I say kissing him wanting this to last for eternity 

Wow I grew my hair out for this so worth it. Me and Luke decided on a winter wedding it worked out perfect seeing the L.A mountains as the snow falls slowly. My flower boy witch so happens to be my baby cousin starts going down the aisle then the best man or should I say men go down next then I go since my dad died and my brother died of cancer I'm walking with My step brother Brett we separate at the end as he sits down with the others. Wow I'm a 26 year old getting married to the love of my life he slips my ring on and I do the same. We kiss leading to cheering. And we danced the night.

While dancing saffron came up to me " BITCH CONGRATS " she said hugging me

" rose and Brent " I call my children's names trying to find them and of course there with the boys children Ashton's son comes over to me giggling and handed me a toad " gah fuck " I say dropping it " hey no fucking cussing " he says back thank the lord my children are normal

"MOMMY MOMMY" my 3 year old child Brett comes in jumping in my lap I sigh frustrated at how the script for the new play is coming " why did you name me Brett" he asked " because that's my stepbrothers name

He drives me crazyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora