Chapter 2 - Ravenwing's POV

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  Ravenwing padded through the ferns softly, taking in each scent. He felt as though the forest was brimming with the last bit of life until leafbare really kicked in. Nettlepaw was zooming through, playing with the falling dead leaves and jumping on logs. After a while, Ravenwing prodded the young apprentice with a skinny black paw.

"Little one, why don't you knock if off with all of that running? We're out to gather herbs, not play around," Ravenwing chided softly. Nettlepaw rolled his eyes softly, then padded by his side.

"I don't see why I have to help collect herbs, I'm a warrior apprentice, not a medicine cat apprentice!" Nettlepaw scuttled, sniffing at every bit of green he saw. Ravenwing flicked his tail across Nettlepaw's ginger flank.

"Now, little one," Ravenwing began, "I do know that just a few tail lengths that way, "Ravenwing pointed his black tail forwards and Nettlepaw watched with interest. "There are a few clusters of catmint and since leafbare is almost here we really need those in case of any bouts of greencough. Do you mind grabbing a few clusters? You can wrap them in huge vine leaves perfectly."

Nettlepaw's yellow eyes lit up with excitement. "Okay!" The little ginger apprentice grabbed a few huge leaves and bounded off into the brambles where the cat mint was. Ravenwing purred with delight as he scavenged his way in finding some feverfew. Because you never know who will get sick, it's best to really start stocking up before all these herbs are gone.

Rustling sounded behind Ravenwing and he saw a small patrol made of Beetail, Deerdapple, and Seedpelt. "Hello, Ravenwing, herb collecting I suppose?" Beetail asked. Ravenwing willowed his tail.

"Yes, trying to find some feverfew before they die out," he replied friendly. 

Deerdapple flickered her ears to her right. 'Well, I think I saw some back that way, near a group of rocks. Take care!"

Ravenwing thanked Deerdapple and parted ways to let his clanmates carrying on the patrol. He padded to where Deerdapple said there would be feverfew and was right. Ravenwing grabbed a few pawfuls of feverfew, enough to take care of the  whole clan twice, and wrapped them up in a bundle of a leaf bag. He carried some on his back as well collecting a bit of borage and destinated to where he and Nettlepaw had parted earlier.

Great StarClan, he has been gone for a while, Ravenwing left his herbs in a safe ditch and followed Nettlepaw's scent trail. His scent became really fresh, but Ravenwing was blocked out by a thick wall of brambles and thickets. He could hear talking in the distance. He recognized Nettlepaw's but he sounded nervous and scared. Suddenly, there was a loud angry snarl of a she-cat. Who was he talking to?

"Nettlepaw! Where are you?" Ravenwing called, he heard Nettlepaw whimper and footsteps bounded closer to him. the orange apprentice revealed himself as he climbed under the thickets, fear and shame fogged his scent. 

"Who were you talking to?" Ravenwing asked suspiciously. Nettlepaw looked up at him with fear.

"N-no one Ravenwing, I was just really angry and scared that I had lost the herbs I had collected is all," Nettlepaw turned, "I'll go collect some more really quick. I promise."

Ravenwing felt as though the young apprentice was hiding something. He knew he heard two voices, one that was she-cat. Peering under the brambles, Ravenwing scanned the area where Nettlepaw was. At first, he saw no one, thinking that maybe Nettlepaw was just talking with himself.

But then Ravenwing saw the orange and white fur of Mapleshade climb out of the ditch a few tail lengths away. He gasped, how could she disobey rules and be treading on ThunderClan soil? But he saw how defeated she looked and how sickly. Mapleshade turned, her eyes glaring with vicious hate and saw bits of green herbs on her muzzle. Ravenwing realized that Nettlepaw must have given her the herbs. Mapleshade stared up at the moon fora few moments, pausing before  bounding in the opposite direction from camp and disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

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