Chapter 4 - Appledusk's POV plus update

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    The sun was beginning to go down as Appledusk brustled through the reedbed with his trout. His apprentice, Perchpaw, carried two water voles and lifted his silver head with pride. Milkfur, Rainfall, and Spiketail were behind with their catches. Purring, Appledusk settled his prey onto the freshkill pile. He wanted to force the memory of what had happened last night out of his head. Last night, Mapleshade had came to their camp, begging to let her stay after the kits had died- the kits that him and Mapleshade had together.

   Hopefully I will surely gain back respect from my clanmates soon, Appledusk sighed as Splashfoot gave him a quick glare. A flash of dark orange came from the nursery and Reedshine padded over to him. Purring, she rubbed the top of her head under his cheek and he licked the top of her head.

   "I caught a trout just for the two of us, my love," Appledusk told her softly. "How were our kits today?" He turned and softly stared at his mate's barely swollen stomach.

     Reedshine let out a chuckle. "Oh, they're fine, dear. Nothing big has happened yet," she licked his cheek affectionately.

     "Well,  I don't know about you, but I'm starved," Appledusk twitched his whiskers, grabbing the trout he brought in. "Let's eat under that willow tree over there." 

    Settling down, the two began to share the trout. Appledusk chewed the fishy-meat slowly, still hovering his mind over the things that had taken place the past few months. He remembered when he first found out about Mapleshade having his kits. He was excited, but... when he saw Reedshine that night. He remembered how wrong it felt, being mates with another she-cat from another clan. But he also found it unfair that he was leaving her behind with their kits, even though she insisted that she would survive without a father to help and raise their kits. But after she did what she did... getting caught of exile and trying to cross the river, knowing  that the kits weren't at all strong enough to fight a current... she was a murderer. And Appledusk swore, he would never forgive her. 

    "Reedshine..." Appledusk swallowed hard and saw his mate eye him from their trout, "Do you really forgive me..? I mean, are you only doing so to be nice since you need me to be the father of our kits?" He saw Reedshine swallow her bit of trout.

  "Appledusk, no, dear. I am with you because I love you," she wrapped her tail upon Appledusk's back and snuggled closer to him. "I know you made a mistake, we all do, and what good would it do to not let it go? Learn from them and move on." she purred as she rubbed her cheek with his and Appledusk followed the rhythm soon after. "Life's too short to worry, especially now that we'll be parents soon."

   "Yeah.. I'll actually be a father," Appledusk looked in the far distance of the setting sun and the dark was becoming a dull pale blue and pink. In the darkness behind the weed enclosure of the forest, he saw a pair of eyes shine in the distance. He narrowed his eyes, and they shined again and movement dashed away into the deeper part of the shadows.

   Huh. That was weird... Appledusk thought it was possibly a fox, but he knew they would be safe. There would be too much work for the fox to bother to try and get into their clan. Appledusk rose himself to his paws and looked down at his mate. "You think you're ready to go to bed?" he swayed his tail. Reedshine blinked happily.

  "Of course, it's getting late, and these kits have worn me out today," she mewed. Appledusk twitched his whiskers.  

   "And to think this is only the beginning of having kits, and you're already tired," he mrrowed. "You'll be one tired mama by the time these kits are born."

   Reedshine gave him a playful glare and swiped at his twitching whiskers. "Stupid furball." she muttered teasingly. Appledusk stared after his mate softly, who trotted into the warriors den. She was so beautiful, on the inside and out, and Appledusk was proud to make the choice he made. Being with Mapleshade was unhealthy, and wasn't right, and being with Reedshine.. was  another completely, different feeling. A feeling with no unease and no secrets.. it was true happy love, and Appledusk was proud to claim her as his mate.

   I'm sorry, Mapleshade, Appledusk sighed, hoping somehwere Mapleshade could hear him through StarClan. I'm sorry you have had to go through this, and I'm sorry if you feel betrayed. But I hope you are okay. I hope you are somewhere safe, and warm, and are welcomed by another clan.

    *    *     *    *     *  

      The dawn sun rolled around before Appledusk knew it, and he stretched harshly. A yawn came along with the stretch, and he nuzzled Reedshine's head. Cats began to gather and stir as the sunlight peaked through. Appledusk looked around. Maybe he could go out and train his apprentice to get his mind off of everything. Perhaps... gather some moss?

   "Perchpaw," Appledusk nudged the chubby silver apprentice in the den. "Hey, get up. We're gonna go out and train."

  "This early?" the young apprentice yawned and stretched. "Alright, if you say so! Where are we going?" 

   "Let's go by that huge willow tree to practice some battle moves," Appledusk told him. "I've been neglecting your training for a little while."

  The small silver apprentice flickered his tail. "It don't matter how long you don't teach me, I've been teaching myself how to slash and gash at enemies thanks to a very special tree stump!" Perchpaw leapt with his paw swiping fast as a bird in the air, however, he was missed his step and tumbled over with an oof!  

     Appledusk gave a purr of amusement, giving the little apprentece's ear a flick with his tail tip. "I'm not sure the tree stump has taught you anything about landing, dear one. Now, why don't we get a move on?"

  "Hey, Appledusk!"

     Spiketail, Rainfall and Splashfoot  were trekking towards him as Appledusk began to walk with his Apprentice


Hello readers, I don't even know how many people are even reading this story and though someday I plan on finishing it, however, due to school and other stuff going on in my life, it might not be a possibility anytime soon. I do, however, want to get started on my own warrior series whenever I can, but I don't know how or when I am going to make time for it. I'm sorry and I hope you all understand!

God Bless you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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