A N I M E - 11

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Namjoon couldn't breathe until he was finally outside. After the boring lecture was over and he wasn't forced to sit next to Park Jimin anymore. He hadn't realized he had been holding his breath until he walked out of the classroom.

Park Jimin has absolutely no respect for his elder and he doesn't know when he should keep his mouth shut. Seriously, after Namjoon had angrily explained that Japanese art wasn't the same as anime, the younger boy thought it was okay to rant about his friends. Namjoon had come to know that he was best friends with a guy named Jungkook, but had the habit of calling him Kookie, and this guy Seojun. But the older didn't care. He had put himself on stand-by and only nodded or hummed every once in a while. The younger didn't seem to care about that or even notice it. But Namjoon found it interesting to know that apparently his friend, Seojun, was also friends with Jin and Yoongi.

And apparently, Jimin knew that Namjoon was friends with them. So after class, before Namjoon could hurry his way home, Jimin had found his and invited him over for dinner. Because apparently, his friends would be there too.

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